類別: RTS即時戰略 大小:79.1M 語言:英文
標簽: 無厘頭太空戰役
name = "rebel" #種族名字,改成你剛才的文件名,如剛才改成abc.txt的話,這裏要改成"abc"
#guiname = "Rebels"
guiname = "叛逆者" #遊戲中顯示的中文名,隨你喜歡怎麼改,但引號不能去掉
logo = "rebels.jpg"
debrisstartuv = 0
debrisenduv = 32
escapepodid = 3
shield = "circle_shield.dds"
#description = "The rebels are a collection of species that once formed part of the galactic empire, but broke away due to the harsh demands of the empire for ever greater sacrifices in terms of military commitment. The rebels reasoned that the only way to ever be free of a lifetime of military service for the glory of the empire was to dedicate their lives to fighting against them. As a result, today's modern rebel alliance contains the majority of the irony-resistant species in the galaxy."
description = "叛逆者曾經是銀河帝國的一部分,因帝國殘酷苛刻的軍事承諾而造成越來越大的犧牲,他們掙脫了帝國的掌控。叛逆者認為要想獲得永遠的自由,隻有靠軍事手段與他們曾經為之獻身的帝國抗爭到底。因此,現代反叛聯盟包容了銀河係中大多數的反抗物種。" #描述也可以隨自己喜歡改。
repairbotid = 3
contrailid = 3
music = rebellion_battle.ogg
shieldcollapseuv = 3
defaultnames = warships #默認的戰場名字文件名,最後在“遊戲目錄\data\shipnames\”下新建一個txt文件作為你的新種族的戰場名字,
guiid = 1
lockable = 1 #是否需要解鎖,1為需要用榮譽值解鎖,0為不需要解鎖
unlockcost = 4000 #如果上麵為1的話,這裏就是解鎖需要的榮譽值
unlock_texture = "Rebel Valkyrie Cruiser.dds"
turret_auto_v1 = rebel_turret_auto_v1.dds,turrets_rebel.dds,0
turret_auto_v2 = rebel_turret_auto_v2.dds,turrets_rebel.dds,1
turret_auto_v3 = rebel_turret_auto_v3.dds,turrets_rebel.dds,2
turret_auto_v4 = rebel_turret_auto_v4.dds,turrets_rebel.dds,3
turret_auto_v5 = rebel_turret_auto_v5.dds,turrets_rebel.dds,4
turret_auto_v6 = rebel_turret_auto_v6.dds,turrets_rebel.dds,5
turret_bull_v1 = rebel_turret_bull_v1.dds,turrets_rebel.dds,6
turret_bull_v2 = rebel_turret_bull_v2.dds,turrets_rebel.dds,7
turret_bull_v3 = rebel_turret_bull_v3.dds,turrets_rebel.dds,8
turret_bull_v4 = rebel_turret_bull_v4.dds,turrets_rebel.dds,9
turret_las_v1 = rebel_turret_las_v1.dds,turrets_rebel.dds,10
turret_las_v2 = rebel_turret_las_v2.dds,turrets_rebel.dds,11
turret_las_v3 = rebel_turret_las_v3.dds,turrets_rebel.dds,12
turret_las_v4 = rebel_turret_las_v4.dds,turrets_rebel.dds,13
turret_las_v5 = rebel_turret_las_v5.dds,turrets_rebel.dds,14
turret_miss_v1 = rebel_turret_miss_v1.dds,turrets_rebel.dds,16
turret_miss_v2 = rebel_turret_miss_v2.dds,turrets_rebel.dds,17
turret_miss_v3 = rebel_turret_miss_v3.dds,turrets_rebel.dds,18
turret_miss_v4 = rebel_turret_miss_v4.dds,turrets_rebel.dds,19
turret_miss_v5 = rebel_turret_miss_v4.dds,turrets_rebel.dds,19
turret_pd_v1 = rebel_turret_pd_v1.dds,turrets_rebel.dds,20
turret_pd_v2 = rebel_turret_pd_v2.dds,turrets_rebel.dds,21
tractor_turret_v1 = tractor_turret_v1.dds,turrets_rebel.dds,27
tractor_turret_v2 = tractor_turret_v2.dds,turrets_rebel.dds,29
turret_plasma_v1 = plasma_turret_v1.dds,turrets_rebel.dds,24
turret_plasma_v2 = plasma_turret_v2.dds,turrets_rebel.dds,25
turret_plasma_v3 = plasma_turret_v3.dds,turrets_rebel.dds,26
turret_ecm_v1 = rebel_turret_las_v1.dds,turrets_rebel.dds,10
[victory_messages] #下麵是戰鬥勝利後顯示的話
#0 = "Today was a victory for the underdog, the little guy, the man in the street, the common man, and also I guess for you."
0 = "今天的勝利屬於所有的受壓迫者、小家夥、街頭流浪漢、普通人,我想也包含你。"
#1 = "Another fantastic victory comrade! That will teach them the power of the ordinary man in the space-battleship."
1 = "同誌們,又是一個了不起的勝利! 它將激勵著太空戰艦上的每一個人。"
#2 = "Excellent, by blasting our enemies to atoms we have truly shown them that we will not partake in their bloodthirsty wars."
2 = "非常好,把敵人打得稀巴爛將警告他們:我們不會束手待斃。"
[defeat_messages] #下麵是戰鬥失敗後顯示的話
#1 = "The rebel creed is to reward success rather than to punish failure. We will leave that to you. Here is a laser pistol with one charge. Don't make it too messy."
1 = "叛逆者的信條是賞罰分明。我們要處理你。這裏有一把上膛的激光槍。不要搞得太髒。"
#2 = "This glorious revolutionary struggle was going so well until you came along. Remind us again why we gave you a whole fleet to command..."
2 = "在你來之前,我們的革命鬥爭一直是光榮的延續。這再次讓我們反思為何要把整個艦隊的指揮權給你..."
#3 = "Disaster! We would have achieved a more decisive victory for the revolution if we had just held a jumble sale and sold raffle tickets."
3 = "災難!看來我們隻有靠義賣和銷售彩票才能獲得革命的徹底勝利了。"
[crew] #這個應該是駕駛員的名字。
0 = "Jack"
1 = "Connor"
2 = "Kyle"
3 = "Luke"
4 = "Owen"
5 = "Cole"
6 = "Diego"
7 = "Blake"
8 = "Ben"
9 = "Hayden"
10 = "Carter"
11 = "Cody"
12 = "Jesse"
13 = "Colin"
14 = "Wallace"
15 = "Derek"
16 = "Wesley"
17 = "Bill"