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Heirloom Amell Protective Sigils/ Fereldan Girded Plating.

Location: Final room in the Birthright quest Act 1.

Anders: 灰袍奶爸

Lyriu Weave (found at) Mage Goods shop (Gallowes)
Lyriu織物 第二章 gallowes裏的mage goods shop

Armor Struts (found at) Lirene's Fereldan Imports shop (lowtown)
裝甲支杆 第二章 lowtown裏的Lirene's Fereldan Imports shop

Spirit Essence (found at) Dissent quest, Gallows Dungeon. (all found in act 2)
精神英華 第二章 gallows裏的地牢迷宮 使命dissent

Sigil of the Mage Underground (found at) Best Served Cold quest (found in act 3)
地下法師印記 第三章 使命Best Served Cold

Aveline: 盾戰雀斑女

Underpadding -Guardsman Pattern (found at) Armor Merchant shop (lowtown) Act 1.
護墊 第一章 lowtown裏的 Armor Merchant shop

Flex-Chain -Guardsman Pattern (found at) Raiders on the Cliffs quest, on Feel Orden.
伸縮鏈 第二章 使命Raiders on the Cliffs quest

Impect Plating -Guardsman Pattern (found at) Armor Merchant shop (lowtown) (both found in Act 2)
嵌入鍍層 第二章 lowtown裏的Armor Merchant shop

Deflecting Joints -Guardsman Pattern (found at) Favor and Fault quest, on Jeven (found in act 3)
偏轉關節 第三章 jeven身上 使命Favor and Fault


Lyrium Scales (found at) Shady Merchandise shop. (Docks)
lyrium鱗甲 第二章 Docks裏的Shady Merchandise shop

Tevinter Spirit Symbol (found at) Robes by Jean Luc shop (Hightown)
Tevinter精神象征 第二章 Hightown裏的Robes by Jean Luc shop

Reinforced Straps (found at) A bitter Pill quest, Abandoned Slaver Den (found in act 2)
加強皮帶 第二章 使命A bitter Pill Abandoned Slaver Den的身上

Enchanted Rasin (found at) Mine Massacre quest, on Dragon (found in act 3)
附魔銼刀 第三章 龍身上 使命Mine Massacre

Isabela: 大波女海盜

Lambswool Insoles (found at) To Catch A Theif quest, in a chest in the Lost-End Foundry.
羊毛鞋墊 第二章 lowtown裏的 Lost-End Foundry 的一個箱子裏 使命To Catch A Theif

Rigid Boning (found at) Apparel Shop, (lowtown)
硬骨 第二章 lowtown裏的Apparel Shop

Supportive Corselet (found at) Robes by Jean Luc shop (Hightown) (All found in act 2)


支撐束胸 第二章 Hightown裏的Robes by Jean Luc shop

Boiled Leather Plates (found at) A Murder of Crows quest (found in act 3)
熟皮板甲? 第三章 使命A Murder of Crows

Marrill: 精靈血法師

Silver-Threaded Dalish Embroidery (found at) Sundermount, near the top of the path.
精靈銀線飾品 第二章Sundermount山裏 接近山頂的通道

Carved Ironwood Buttons (found at) Ilen's Crafts shop (Sundermount)
雕刻鐵木紐扣 第二章Sundermount精靈營地裏Ilen's Crafts shop

Semite Lining (found at) Robes by Jean Luc shop (hightown) (All found in act 2)
閃米特內襯 第二章hightown裏的Robes by Jean Luc shop

Halla Horn Buck;es (found at) A New Path quest, on the Pride Demon (found in act 3)
哈拉角皮帶扣 第三章 Pride Demon身上 使命A New Path quest

Varric: 矮人V叔

Inscribed Leather Harness (found at) Apparel shop (Lowtown) ( found in act 1)
碑銘皮甲 第一章 Lowtown裏的Apparel shop

Silverite-Reinforced Buckles (found at) Family Matter quest, Bartrand's Estate.
加銀麻布 第二章 Bartrand's Estate 使命 Family Matter

Coat Lining with Concealed Pockets (found at) Shady Merchandise shop (docks) (all found in act 2)
藏袋裏袖 第二章 docks 裏的Shady Merchandise shop

Drakeskin leg Straps (found at) Finding (um this is a big spoiler so um I'll just say you have to find a guy you'll know it when you see it) quest (in act 3)
龍皮護脛 第三章 劇透 到時候你就知到

Sebastian: DLC王子

Enhanced Articulation (found at) Armor Shop (Gallows)
加強關節 第二章 Gallows裏的Armor Shop

Mail Undertunic (found at) Repentance quest, Harriman Eastate.
鎖子甲裏束腰 第二章 Harriman Eastate 使命Repentance

Reinforced Bracers (found at) Olaf's Armory shop (hightown) (all in act 2)
加強臂套 第二章hightown裏的Olaf's Armory shop

Protection of the Faith (found at) Best Served Cold quest. Hightown (Night), on a Templar Lieutenant (in act 3)
信仰之護 第三章 夜晚的Hightown 一個Templar Lieutenant身上 使命Best Served Cold

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