近期XBOX360平台推出了一款喪屍類的下載遊戲《死光Dead Light》,該作一經推出就獲得眾多玩家的好評,這裏給各位玩家分享下《死光》的全成就攻略,希望對還在攻關中的玩家能有所幫助。
1.Come Sail Away
Make it to the end 完成遊戲
2.Tainted love
Finish Randall's flashback劇情獲得
3.Holding out for a Hero
Reunite with Stella 劇情獲得
4.Under pressure
Finish Randall's nightmare 劇情獲得
5.Wanted Dead or Alive
Reload the revolver really fast 快速的給.38上彈 打光子彈快速的按LB即可
6.What You Need
Find the first health expander 找到第一個加血槽的道具
7.Never Gonna Give You Up
Find Parker in the hockey arena 劇情獲得
8.Lazing on a Sunday afternoon
Face someone from Randall's past in the Park 劇情獲得
9.Don't Lose Your Head
Kill an enemy with a single melee attack 僅用一次近身攻擊殺掉一個僵屍 很容易可以把敵人前+B推到後 按住B砍頭
Roll to avoid lethal fall damage 劇情獲得
11.Land Down Under
Follow the Ratman to his den 劇情獲得
12.Flirtin with Disaster
Tackle an enemy 推到一個敵人 需要一段助跑 按住RB衝向一個僵屍將其撲倒即可 然後會被反撲
13.Is there anybody there?
Finish Randall's dream 劇情獲得
14.Rust in peace 1
Perform a headshot 完成一次爆頭
15.In the Army Now
Get to the military control 劇情獲得
16.Welcome to the Jungle
Reach the junkyard 劇情獲得
17.Lay your hands on me
Survive a close encounter 被僵屍抓住後一直按B
18.Go back to hell
Execute an enemy 終結掉一個僵屍 切胳膊砍頭都可以
19.Another one bites the dust
Perform a combo on an enemy 對僵屍完成一次連擊 毫無難度
20.Knockin' on Heaven's Door
Tackle a door 衝破一扇門
21.I Ran (So Far Away)
Escape from the warehouse 劇情獲得
22.What's on your mind
Find a page of Randall's journal 取得一頁Randall的日記
23.I want it all
Get 100% of Deadlight 遊戲完成度100%
24.Goodbye stranger
Push a zombie over a railing 把一隻僵屍推出窗戶 第一章出門時暴風雨那一關有個機會 要快速鑽入二樓窗戶然後前+B將僵屍推出去即可
25.Spreading the disease
Get infected by a friend on the leaderboards 在排行榜上被好友感染 應該好友中有玩過此遊戲的即可 目前隻有我玩了所以沒解
26.Forget Me Nots
Find all of Randall's memories 找到所有Randall的回憶錄
27.Pickin' Up Strangers
Find all the IDs 取得所有ID卡 經常出現在僵屍啃的屍體上
以下三個為3個大章節內找到隱藏的小遊戲機 然後達到高分 超過30分就行
28.Invisible Touch
Beat the high score in Madness Mansion 捉鬼遊戲
29.Let there be rock!
Beat the high score in Raven Thunder's Rock Legend 搖滾遊戲
30.No Pain, No Gain
Beat the high score in Sport Daisy 體育遊戲