圖標 |
英文 |
分值 |
Unbound | 完成 "Unbound" | 10 |
Bleak Falls Barrow | 完成 "Bleak Falls Barrow" | 10 |
The Way of the Voice | 完成 "The Way of the Voice" | 20 |
Diplomatic Immunity | 完成 "Diplomatic Immunity" | 20 |
Alduin's Wall | 完成 "Alduin's Wall" | 20 |
Elder Knowledge | 完成 "Elder Knowledge" | 20 |
The Fallen | 完成 "The Fallen" | 20 |
Dragonslayer | 完成 "Dragonslayer" | 50 |
Take Up Arms | 加入 the Companions | 10 |
Blood Oath | 成為the Circle 的一員 | 10 |
Glory of the Dead | 完成 "Glory of the Dead" | 30 |
Gatekeeper | 加入 the College of Winterhold | 10 |
Revealing the Unseen | 完成 "Revealing the Unseen" | 10 |
The Eye of Magnus | 完成 "The Eye of Magnus" | 30 |
Taking Care of Business | 加入 the Thieves Guild | 10 |
Darkness Returns | 完成 "Darkness Returns" | 10 |
One with the Shadows | 重建 the Thieves Guild昔日的光輝 | 30 |
With Friends Like These… | 加入 the Dark Brotherhood | 10 |
Bound Until Death | 完成 "Bound Until Death" | 10 |
Hail Sithis! | 完成 "Hail Sithis!" | 30 |
Taking Sides | 加入 the Stormcloaks或是the Imperial Army | 10 |
War Hero | 抓住 Fort Sungard 或 Fort Greenwall | 10 |
Hero of Skyrim | 抓住 Solitude 或 Windhelm | 30 |
Sideways | 完成10個支線任務 | 20 |
Hero of the People | 完成50個 Misc Objectives | 30 |
Hard Worker | 伐木,挖礦並烹飪 | 10 |
Thief | 拾取50把鎖和50個口袋 50 | 30 |
Snake Tongue | 成功說服,賄賂和威懾 | 10 |
Blessed | 選擇一個 Standing Stone 的祝福 | 10 |
Standing Stones | 找到13塊 Standing Stones | 30 |
Citizen | 購買一棟房屋 | 10 |
Wanted | 越獄 | 10 |
Married | 結婚 | 10 |
Artificer | 打造一件鐵器,一件附魔物品,和一瓶藥劑 | 10 |
Master Criminal | 在所有9個勢力中獲得1000金幣賞金 | 20 |
Golden Touch | 擁有 100,000 金幣 | 30 |
Delver | 打通50個地牢 | 40 |
Skill Master | 一項技能達到100 | 40 |
Explorer | 發現100處地點 | 40 |
Reader | 閱讀50本技能書 | 20 |
Daedric Influence | 獲得一件 Daedric Artifact | 10 |
Oblivion Walker | 獲得15件Daedric Artifacts | 30 |
Dragon Soul | 吸收一個龍魂 | 10 |
Dragon Hunter | 吸收20個龍魂 | 20 |
Words of Power | 學得所有three words of a shout | 10 |
Thu'um Master | 學得 20 shouts | 40 |
Apprentice | 到達等級 5 | 5 |
Adept | 到達等級 10 | 10 |
Expert | 到達等級 25 | 25 |
Master | 到達等級 50 | 50 |
Platinum Trophy | 獲得所有獎杯 | - |