快跑中換彈隻有在有時候有用 Sprint+Reload working only sometimes
槍管配件會使下槍管配件失效(如用槍口製退器會讓彈鼓失效)Barrel attachments making underbarrel attachments not work (For example, using muzzle brake makes the extended mag don?t work, etc)
黑係統和附件改裝的自定義按鍵定義有問題 Custom key blindings problem with Hacking and Attachments Customitation
外星槍械沒有彈藥 (破解問題?)Alien gun at the Fields not having ammo (<- Pirate version bug?)
部分武器的最大彈藥攜帶量一直在變 Maximun ammo pool changing all the time in certain weapons
彈藥數負數 Having negative ammo numbers
物體細節設定為最高後 曲麵細分會有很多問題 同時貼圖也會出現錯誤(但是水效調最高沒問題)Object detail at Very high creating A LOT of tessellation bugs and corrupted textures (water works fine)
有時候C4和火箭筒可以同時攜帶 其他的則不行 Sometimes being able to carry C4 and JAWs at the same time and others not
已解鎖的武器配件會隨機消失[我估計指的是會隨機又被鎖上吧...] Unlocked attachments dissapearing randomly
最終boss隻會攻擊一次 然後就無敵了 Final boss battle bugged: The boss will use only 1 attack and is inmortal
有時候沒辦法撿射出去的箭 Not being able to pick some of the used arrows (yes, normal arrows)
有時候暗殺會變成普通肉搏攻擊 Random stealth kills attempts trigger normal melee
在草地裏的潛行者不會攻擊[我想指的應該是關納米幹擾器那裏火車場的那個草地吧~我就碰到了 2個潛行者 打不死 但是不會攻擊] Stalkers at The Fields not attacking
有時候無法正常的開鏡放大 Zoom modes not applying correctly at random
升級組件會隨機消失 Disappearing upgrade modules at random
最終boss戰的過場動畫時程序會崩潰 Game crashing at the Final Boss cutscene
沒辦法用弓 Not being able to equip the bow
狙ADS鏡準星會消失 Sniper scope ADS crosshair dissapearing
第一關黑門後門打不開 At the first level, the first hacking door not opening after hacking it
孤島任務:救好VTOL陸戰隊後他們不會出來 而且也無法拿到裏麵的NS升級模塊 Islands mission: After rescuing the VTOL marines they wont come out, and you wont be able to pick the nanosuit upgrade inside.
有時候音效消失或提前結束 Missing sound effects and sound effects finishing before they should.
部分物體會以不科學的物理定律在地上亂動 Physics of certain objects making them move around the ground in odd ways.
有時候暗殺敵人後 敵人死了 你還在暗殺.....Bug with stealth kill in which you kill the enemy but you get stuck as if still perfoming the kill.
有時候會莫名其妙的從地圖上跌下去[估計就是指跌出地圖外了吧 類似於惡魔城的出城]Glitch that causes you to fall through the map for unkown reasons.