Run him over with a car(開車壓死他)
Strangle the life out of him(用窒息的方式取走他的生命)
Throw him into the east river(把他扔進東河)
Execute him with a pistol(使用手槍處決)
Put a bullet between his eyes with a headshot(把一顆子彈打到他兩眼之間做個爆頭)
Tenderize him with a melee weapon execution(使用近戰武器處決來令他倒地)
Choke him with the garrote wire (使用絞喉絲勒死他)
Toss him off a high ledge (把他從高處扔下來)
Brutalize him with a punch execution(用拳頭處決他)