成就圖標 | 成就名稱 | 成就分數 | 成就描述 |
File R-00: Status - Closed | 15 | Complete File R-00: Guard Duty. 完成任務 0:保鏢 | |
File R-01: Status - Closed | 15 | Complete File R-01: Coup d'état. 完成任務 1:起【義】 | |
File R-02: Status - Closed | 15 | Complete File R-02: Research Facility. 完成任務 2:研究設施 | |
File R-03: Status - Closed | 15 | Complete File R-03: Mile High. 完成任務 3:高空俱樂部 | |
File R-04: Status - Closed | 15 | Complete File R-04: Hostile Takeover. 完成任務 4:接管 | |
File R-05: Status - Closed | 15 | Complete File R-05: Escape From Denver. 完成任務 5:逃離丹佛 | |
File R-06: Status - Closed | 15 | Complete File R-06: Badlands Showdown. 完成任務 6:一決勝負 | |
File R-07: Status - Closed | 15 | Complete File R-07: Assassination Attempt. 完成任務 7:刺殺 | |
Becoming a Lightning God | 50 | Complete story mode on Revengeance difficulty with all S rankings. 複仇難度下所有任務 S 評價 | |
Steel Tail | 15 | Cut off Metal Gear RAY's metal tail during File R-00. 任務 0 中切下合金裝備 Ray 的尾巴 | |
No Flash Photography! | 15 | Destroy all the Gun Cameras in File R-01. 任務 1 中破壞所有的機槍監視器 | |
Dwarf Raiden | 15 | Incapacitate all the soldiers in File R-02 using a Dwarf Gekko. 任務 2 中使用矮人壁虎殘廢所有士兵 | |
A Walk in the Dark | 15 | Complete the sewer sequence in File R-03 without using AR Mode. 任務 3 中不使用 AR 模式完成下水道部分 | |
Menace to Society | 5 | Cut off the finial at the top of the pagoda in File R-04. 任務 4 中切掉塔尖 | |
Great Escape | 20 | Complete File R-05 in less than 7 minutes. 7 分鍾之內完成任務 5 | |
Surprise Attack! | 20 | Arrive at the objective in File R-07 without being spotted. 任務 7 中沒有被發現抵達目標點 | |
Anti-Cyborg Sentiment | 5 | Destroy a total of 100 Cyborgs during story mode. 故事模式中摧毀 100 個人造人 | |
The Bigger They Are... | 10 | Destroy a total of 100 Custom Cyborgs during story mode. 故事模式中摧毀 100 個強化人造人 | |
Demilitarized Zone | 15 | Destroy a total of 100 Heavily Armed Cyborgs during story mode. 任務模式中摧毀 100 個重裝人造人 | |
Herpetophobia | 20 | Destroy a total of 10 Gekkos during story mode. 任務模式中摧毀 10 個壁虎(Gekko) | |
Silverback | 15 | Destroy a total of 10 Mastiffs during story mode. 任務模式中摧毀 10 個烈犬(Mastiff) | |
Extinction Level Event | 20 | Destroy a total of 10 Raptors during story mode. 任務模式中摧毀 10 個猛禽(Raptor) | |
Pond Scum | 20 | Destroy a total of 5 Vodomjerka during story mode. 故事模式中摧毀 5 個 Vodomjerka | |
Wolf Hunter | 20 | Destroy a total of 10 Fenrirs during story mode. 故事模式中摧毀 10 個巨狼(Fenrir) | |
Slider Strike | 15 | Destroy a total of 10 Sliders during story mode. 故事模式中摧毀 10 個滑行者(Slider) | |
Jumping the Shark | 20 | Destroy a total of 10 Hammerheads during story mode. 故事模式中摧毀 10 個 Hammerhead | |
Looking Out for the Little Guys | 5 | Destroy a total of 30 Dwarf Gekkos during story mode. 故事模式中摧毀 30 個 Dwarf Gekko | |
Tearing Away the Disguise | 20 | Destroy all of the humanoid Dwarf Gekkos during story mode. 故事模式中摧毀所有 humanoid Dwarf Gekko | |
Datsu Right | 15 | Successfully complete 50 Zandatsus during story mode. 故事模式中摧毀 50 個 Zandatsus | |
What Doesn't Kill You... | 20 | In story mode, successfully parry 10 attacks in a row in one minute or less. 故事模式中 1 分鍾之內成功連續格擋 10 次攻擊 | |
Assassin Behind Closed Doors | 15 | Successfully complete 30 Ninja Kills during story mode. 故事模式中進行 30 次忍者擊殺 | |
You Don't Run from Chance | 15 | Successfully complete 50 Executions during story mode. 故事模式中成功進行 50 次處決 | |
A Lover, Not a Fighter | 20 | Successfully complete 10 No Kill battles during story mode. 故事模式中成功完成 10 次無擊殺戰鬥 | |
Assault with a Deadly Weapon | 20 | Dismember three enemies during Blade Mode with a single attack. 在一次攻擊內發動的切割模式中肢解 3 個敵人 | |
Rip 'Em Apart! | 15 | In story mode, kill 100 enemies by cutting them. 故事模式中用切割模式殺掉 100 個敵人 | |
Love at First Sight | 15 | While remotely operating a Dwarf Gekko in story mode, find and communicate with all Dwarf Gekkos. 故事模式中遙控壁虎的時候,找到並連線所有壁虎 | |
Ich Liebe Kapitalismus! | 20 | Acquire all customization items. 得到所有自定義道具 | |
A Big Fan of Lefties | 20 | Acquire all enemy officers' left arms. 得到所有敵人軍官的左手 | |
Amateur Radio Operator | 50 | Listen to most of the codec conversations. 收聽大部分無線通信 | |
Peekaboo | 20 | Discover all of the soldiers hidden in cardboard boxes. 找到所有藏在紙箱裏的士兵 | |
Data Mining | 20 | Acquire all data storage devices. 找到所有數據存儲設備 | |
Humanitarian Assistance | 25 | Rescue all the civilians. 拯救所有平民 | |
Analysis Complete | 20 | Unlock every VR Mission. 解鎖所有 VR 任務 | |
VR Master | 30 | Complete every VR Mission. 完成所有 VR 任務 | |
Virtually a God | 50 | Set the highest score on every VR Mission. 在所有 VR 任務裏得到最高分 | |
Secret Achievement | 30 | Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. 秘密成就 | |
Secret Achievement | 30 | Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. 秘密成就 | |
Secret Achievement | 30 | Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. 秘密成就 | |
Secret Achievement | 30 | Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. 秘密成就 | |
Secret Achievement | 30 | Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. 秘密成就 |