Straight Outta Supertest: ISU-130
Posted on October 15, 2014 by Silentstalker — 37 Comments ↓
Hello everyone,
here’s the summary of upcoming tier 8 Soviet premium/reward tank destroyer, ISU-130. Basically, it’s ISU-152 with SU-100Y’s gun.
Heavy SPG based on ISU-122S. It was developed in 1944 and a prototype was built in October of the same year. It was created by installing a 130mm S-26 gun, which was developed from the naval B-13 gun on the ISU-122S platform. Driving and shooting trials were conducted until June 1945. Because of the end of WW2 and the fact that the gun was inferior in penetration to 122 guns, ISU-130 was not accepted in service.
基於ISU-122s的重型火炮,研發於1944年,同年10月一輛原型車開始建造。計劃設計裝備一門由ISU-122S平台上的B13艦炮改裝而成的130mm S-26炮。駕駛和射擊試驗一直進行到了1945年6月。由於二戰末期以及相對於122炮穿深不足的事實,ISU-130坦克並沒有被接受在軍隊中服役。
Tier 8 Soviet TD
車輛血值:Hitpoints: 1000
最大重量:Max weight: 52.6 tons
視野範圍:View range: 370m
通訊距離:Radio range: 440m
車輛裝甲:Armor: 90/75/60
車輛引擎:Engine: V-2-10, 520 hp
車推重比:Power-to-weight: 11.10 hp/t
前後極速:Max speed: 34/12
旋轉速度:Traverse: 24 deg/s
路麵適應:Terrain resistance: 1.1/1.3/2.1
車體裝甲:Hull armor: 90/90/60
炮的射界:Gun traverse: -2/+9,72 (left/right)(左/右)
炮俯仰角:Elevation: -1.12/+14,23 (yes, -1 and yes, this is historical, I checked)(是的,-1的俯角,這是符合曆史的,我去查過)
坦克主炮:Gun: 130 mm S-26
炮的傷害:Damage: 490/570/640
炮的穿深:Penetration: 215/187/65
模塊傷害:Module damage: 180
裝彈時間:Reload time: 13.9
炮的精度:Accuracy: 0.4
瞄準時間:Aiming time: 3
載彈量:Ammo: 25