使命召喚6 去除十字準星辦法
來源: 飛翔小編 2013/11/11 11:22:36 瀏覽量:565
非瞄準狀態下的準星(一代裏好像和孤島一樣最高難度直接就沒有十字了,2代拋棄了完美主義者),代入感一下子就沒了一半,感覺還是在玩遊戲。既然有右鍵還要準星做甚,影響人眼對畫麵的視覺透視。曾有想法 給開發商發郵件,讓他們出個去十字準星,去剩餘彈藥量顯示,隻顯示彈夾的補丁。
修改方法 :來自一段對話
張三:Hehe, good timing on your post. I JUST figured out how to remove the crosshairs for SP. Silly that they didn't include it as an option.
1) Navigate to MW2players, open the config.cfg
2) Under "unbindall", insert the following :
( MW2playser 文件夾打開config.cfg 在“unbindall”這一行後麵插入:)
set cg_crosshairAlpha "0"
set cg_crosshairAlphaMin "0"
set cg_crosshairDynamic "0"
3) Save, set the file to Read Only.
李四:I love you,Hmm, will I have to start a new game for it to work or should the crosshair been removed from my savegames?
王二:It doesn't work if you use Resume Game. It's like the FOV cheat, you need to use Mission Select and restart the mission you are currently on. Then it'll work for the subsequent missions until you quit. Then you just use Mission Select again the next time you play. Also, you might need deverloper & cheats enabled. Not sure, but paste these in as well if it still doesn't work :
set developer "1"
set sv_cheats "1"
set thereisacow "1337"
李四:It works. Thank you very much..
通過測試,其中 seta con_errormessagetime 後麵的數值與其關聯,默認文件是“8” ,越小提示信息的頻率越低(相信大家都會改成 0 的)