來源: 飛翔小編 2014/6/6 20:48:23 瀏覽量:442
火焰限界提供4種seduction (引誘,誘惑),不能進行同性別的。目標隻對 Edwen, Rhelmar,Sybil和 Randval4個人有效(也就是你的4個小夥伴)。
如果你是女性角色,隻可以與Rhelmar, Randval;如果你是男性角色,隻可以與sybil ,edwen。宣傳動畫中的男主角kiss sybil就是達成seduction 引誘條件後的劇情。
你需要跟不同的夥伴一起達成一定的任務。一旦你跟你的小夥伴一起完成了滿足引誘條件的任務,必須在before heading into Blackfrost's Palace to face him at the end of Act 3, Chapter 2. You'll have the option to seduce them there 。(在進入黑霜殿,第二章,第三節之前進行選擇性對話。)
Sybil 西爾比
Complete "On Safari with Sybil" 跟西爾比一起旅遊
Complete "Orphan" 孤兒,就是他爸爸死了,你要去安撫下
Complete "The Icy Library" 找書任務
Complete "Timid Request" 膽怯的請求
Complete "A Damsel in Distress"
Kill the Creator Concubine with Sybil in your party 跟西爾比殺了領主的妾(老婆?)
Randval 蘭德瓦爾
Complete "The Duel" 決鬥,打贏他
Complete "The Recruitment of Randval" 招募成功
Complete "Randval the Loner" 孤獨的蘭德瓦爾,就是第二章一開始的偵查任務
Complete "A Knight in Distress"
Edwen 埃德溫
Complete "Edwen's Request"
Complete "The Interrogation of a Deadwalker"
Side with Edwen at the end of Act 2
Complete "Edwen's Artifact" (this quest ends with the seduction itself)
Rhelmar 瑞爾馬
Complete "A Cure for the Prince"
Complete "The Souls of the Elves"
Complete "Camp Security"
Side with Rhelmar at the End of Act 2
Complete "The Soul of a Prince"