來源: admin 2010/12/13 17:30:06 瀏覽量:6860
1,Lucky,.357 magnum revolver;
dmg/attack: 30 DPS: 82 attacks/sec: 1 spread: 0.3 crit dmg: 30 crit chance: x 2.5 ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 6 skill: Guns strength req.: 3 skill req.: 0 AP: 17 item HP: 225 repair: .357 magnum revolver weight: 2.5 value: 1500 base id: 000E2C86 Lucky不克不及用任何,.357 magnum revolver的mod
在PIMM的Bison Steve Hotel一樓(就是分支任務要救治安官的地方)地板上的一個保險箱內裏(需要75開鎖),阿誰保險箱內裏還有本加生意手藝的書(是永久加3點的那種)
2,Maria,9mm pistol;
dmg/attack: 20 (depends on Gun skill level) DPS: 74 (depends on Gun skill level) attacks/sec: 1 spread: 0.2
crit dmg: 20 crit chance: x 2 ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 13 skill: Guns strength req.: 2 skill req.: 0 AP: 15 item HP: 200 repair: 9mm Pistol weight: 1.5 value: 1000 base id: 000e7655
3,Mysterious Magnum,.44 magnum pistol;
dmg/attack: 42 DPS: 42 attacks/sec: 1 spread: 0.5 crit dmg: 42 crit chance: x 1 ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 6 skill: Guns strength req.: 4-6 skill req.: 50 AP: 25 item HP: 150 repair: .44 Magnum weight: 4
value: 3,200 base id: 00127C6C
在118店和El Dorado Gas & Service之間的高速公路上有個通知布告牌下麵有個彈吉他叫The Lonesome Drifter的家夥,你可以殺了他或和他生意得到(需要50上麵的生意手藝)。
4,Weathered 10mm pistol,Weathered 10mm pistol;
dmg/attack: 21 DPS: 68 attacks/sec: 3.05 spread: 0.5 crit dmg: 5 crit chance: x 2 ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 12 skill: Guns strength req.: 4 skill req.: 0 AP: 17 item HP: 110 repair: 10mm pistol weight: 3.00 value: 1200 base id: 001734D4 可用的mod:Extended Magazine (+4 Rounds per Magazine) Laser Sight (Decrease bullet spread & Laser sight effect) Silencer (Reduced limb Damage, but enemies can't hear the gunshot)
27,The Plasma Caster 1/2代的經典電漿槍
dmg/attack: 65 DPS: 195 attacks/sec: 3 spread: 0.7 crit dmg: 65 crit chance: x 1 ammo type: Microfusion Cell ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 10 skill: Energy Weapons strength req.: 8 skill req.: 100 AP: 25 item HP: 80 repair: Plasma caster weight: 20 value: 7000 base id: 000906CF
隻有Silver Rush有,要麼偷要麼搶或你和他們的幹係足夠好也能買到。
15,Gobi Campaign scout rifle .308 sniper rifle;
dmg/attack: 61 DPS: 166-219 attacks/sec: 2.5 spread: 0.02 crit dmg: 60 crit chance: x 5 ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 6 skill: Guns strength req.: 4-6 skill req.: 75 AP: 33 item HP: 160 repair: Sniper Rifle weight: 4.5 value: 6,200 base id: 001429e1
在輿圖右下角有個地方叫 Sniper’s Nest,就在Cottonwood Cove的正西邊的山上,那邊有個箱子需要100的解鎖,內裏就是這個。
7,Debug megapistol
dmg/attack: 9999 DPS: 31,246 attacks/sec: 3.125 spread: 0.7 crit dmg: 9 crit chance: x 1 ammo type: 9mm
ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 13 skill: Guns strength req.: 2 skill req.: 0 AP: 17 item HP: 225 repair: 9mm pistol weight: 1.5 value: 100 base id: 001465A6
8,Mysterious Stranger's .44 magnum .44 magnum revolver
dmg/attack: 9001 DPS: 27003 attacks/sec: 3 spread: 0 crit dmg: 9001 crit chance: x 100 ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 6 skill: Small Guns AP: item HP: 1000 repair: Scoped .44 magnum weight: 3 value: 0 base id: 00050F92
經過過程perk the Mysterious Stranger出來的 the Mysterious Stranger身上帶的,仿佛沒編製拿到。
9,Abilene Kid LE BB gun, BB gun;
dmg/attack: 4 DPS: 6.153844 attacks/sec: 1.538461 spread: 0.5 crit dmg: 70 crit chance: x 1.5 ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 100 skill: Guns strength req.: 1 skill req.: 0 AP: 28 item HP: 100 repair: BB Gun weight: 2 value: 500 base id: 0015FF5D
在Fields' Shack, southwest of Nellis Air Force Base. The shack is right next to the main road leading in to the base. The gun is sitting on one of the shelves on the left wall.
If you have the Wild Wasteland trait, the gun will instead be located inside a well that appears in front of the shack.
10,La Longue Carabine,.357 Magnumcowboy repeater;
dmg/attack: 32 DPS: 80 spread: 0.2 crit dmg: 32 crit chance: x 1.5 ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 11 skill: Guns strength req.: 3-5 skill req.: 434 AP: 18 item HP: 150 repair: Cowboy repeater weight: 5.00 value: 1500 base id: 000f56f5
Camp McCarran內裏的老遊俠Corporal Sterling帶著他,你想要拿這把槍的話得殺了他或打他手把他的槍打下來然後頓時收回槍,或許不會和NCR敵對。
11,Boone's Scoped Hunting Rifle,.308 Caliber Round 帶對準鏡的Hunting Rifle,提示說他的Scope和一樣平常Hunting Rifle的Scope有些不一樣;
dmg/attack: 45 DPS: 35.52633 attacks/sec: 0.789474 spread: 0.03 crit dmg: 45 crit chance: x 1 ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 5 skill: Guns AP: 60 item HP: 650 repair: Hunting rifle weight: 6 value: 2600 base id: 000CE549
12,All-American, 5.56mm round Marksman carbine這把槍有出格的迷彩;
dmg/attack: 26 DPS: 160 attacks/sec: 6 spread: 0.04 crit dmg: 26 crit chance: x 1 ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 24 skill: Guns strength req.: 4 skill req.: 100 AP: 20 item HP: 400 repair: Marksman Carbine weight: 6 value: 5900 base id: 00106FEB
Vault 34的軍械庫裏,那邊麵還有一把EMP手槍對機械人和動力裝甲結果出格好,不過這把槍可以在其他地方弄到,所以不算特意兵器了。
dmg/attack: 75 DPS: 65 crit dmg: 60 crit chance: x 1 skill: Unarmed strength req.: 2 skill req.: 100 AP: 28 item HP: 120 weight: 6 value: 4200 base id: 00155E6D
silver peak mine北麵的ruby hill mine內裏,必然擊飛仇敵。
14,Ratslayer, 5.56mm round Varmint rifle;
dmg/attack: 23 DPS: 24 spread: 0.0200 crit dmg: 23 crit chance: x 5.0 ammo per shot: ammo capacity: 8
skill: Guns strength req.: 3 skill req.: 0 AP: 45 item HP: 200 repair: Varmint rifle weight: 4.5 value: 2000 base id: 000E5B17
broc flower cave裏,自帶所有配件,地方就在LEGION RAID CAMP 東邊。這玩意初期便可以往拿,槍在洞的第二層(不是洞的深處),一路上就2,3隻年夜老鼠。
47,Cram Opener,出格版bladed gauntlet;
dmg/attack: 41 DPS: 45 attacks/sec: 2 crit dmg: 44 crit chance: x 2 skill: Unarmed strength req.: 5 skill req.: 25 unarmed item HP: 75 repair: Bladed gauntlet weight: 10.00 value: 572 base id: 00151d0c
Camp McCarran的Little Buster,他在一堆卡車前熬煉身材輻射:新維加斯。
19,Big Boomer,12 gauge shotgun shell sawed-off shotgun.;
dmg/attack: 96.6 dmg/projectile: 6.9 DPS: 50 ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 2 skill: Guns strength req.: 4 skill req.: 50 weight: 4.00 value: 2133
Gibson Scrapyard的Old Lady Gibson身上帶著,殺了她便可以拿到。這對佳耦就在H&H東西工廠左邊能找到一棟屋子(Wins Hideout Shack,輿圖上沒顯示),他們的保險櫃裏就是Vance's 9mm SMG。這對佳耦很好對初期便可以往拿,不過阿誰保險櫃需要100的開鎖手藝。你也能夠經過過程辯才讓他們放棄他們的打算把槍給你(要求55上麵的辯才)。
17,Sturdy caravan shotgun,20 gauge shotgun shell caravan shotgun;
dmg/attack: 7.0*7 attacks/sec: 2 (unmodified: 3.214286) spread: 4 crit dmg: 7 crit chance: x 1 ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 2 skill: Guns AP: 27 item HP: 300 repair: Caravan shotgun weight: 3.00
value: 840 base id: 001735e3
32,Mercy,出格版的Grenade machine gun;
dmg/attack: 50 DPS: 155 attacks/sec: 3.1 spread: 1 crit dmg: 0 crit chance: x 50 ammo type: 40mm Grenade ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 18 shots/reload: 18 skill: Explosives strength req.: 8 skill req.: 100 AP: 50 item HP: 200 repair: Grenade machinegun weight: 15 value: 5200 base id: 0015FFF4
在deathwind cavern內裏死掉落的BOS成員身上,那邊有許多死爪。
16,Vance's 9mm Submachine Gun,9mm Submachine Gun ;
dmg/attack: 11 DPS: 139 attacks/sec: 13 spread: 1.5 crit dmg: 13 crit chance: x 1 ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 60 skill: Guns strength req.: 3 skill req.: 25 AP: 20 (Not stated in the .ESM) item HP: 600 repair: 9mm SMG weight: 4 value: 1500 base id: 000E32F4
20, CZ57 Avenger 5mm minigun;
dmg/attack: 14 DPS: 425 attacks/sec: 120 spread: 1.1000 crit dmg: 14 crit chance: x 0.5 ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 120 skill: Guns strength req.: 10 skill req.: 100 AP: 25 item HP: 1000 repair: Minigun weight: 18.00 value: 8494 base id: 001629b6
The Devil's Throat, 輿圖右上角,一個"Prospector"的屍身上。
21,alien blaster,很奇異為甚麼沒有吧這把兵器算出格兵器;
dmg/attack: 100 DPS: 200 attacks/sec: 1 spread: 0 crit dmg: 100 crit chance: x 100 ammo type: Alien Power Cell ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 10 skill: Energy Weapons strength req.: 1 skill req.: 75 AP: 20 item HP: 500 repair: weight: 2 value: 3991 base id: 00004322
輿圖左上角有一個Horowizt農場,直接往北走的山坡上能走到一個很小的營地,隔斷遠了看不到。有Wild Wasteland perk就可以見到3個外星人,斃了老年夜能找到外星人槍。若是沒有Wild Wasteland perk就是刷一堆步兵,此中一個掉落YCS/186 Gauss rifle和強化型戰爭裝甲2代。
22,Pew Pew 出格版的極光手槍;
dmg/attack: 75 (86.25) DPS: 149 attacks/sec: 2 spread: 0.1 related perks: Laser Commander (+ 11.25) crit dmg: 50 crit chance: x 2.5 ammo type: Energy cell (Fallout: New Vegas) ammo per shot: 15 ammo capacity: 30
shots/reload: 2 skill: Energy Weapons strength req.: 1 skill req.: 0 AP: 35 item HP: 80 repair: Laser pistol weight: 3 value: 2498 base id: 00103b1d
Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters門口進往左邊有台奇異的機械,和他對話可以用50個Sunset Sarsaparilla star bottle caps打開出亡所的年夜門,內裏有這個。
23,YCS/186 Gauss rifle,特意版的高斯槍,不明白為甚麼wiki內裏高斯槍也算特意兵器;
dmg/attack: 163 DPS: 545 attacks/sec: 1 (unmodified: 1) spread: 0.0275 crit dmg: 70 crit chance: x 2 ammo type: Microfusion Cells ammo per shot: 4 ammo capacity: 4 shots/reload: 1 skill: Energy Weapons strength req.: 5 skill req.: 75 AP: 40 item HP: 100 repair: Gauss Rifle weight: 8.00 value: 3000 base id: 0015B38D
24, AER14 prototype,出格版激光步槍;
dmg/attack: 22 DPS: 66 spread: 0.0225 crit dmg: 22 crit chance: x 2 ammo type: MF Cell ammo per shot: 2 ammo capacity: 24 shots/reload: 12 skill: Energy Weapons strength req.: 3 skill req.: 25 AP: 20 item HP: 35 weight: 8.50 value: 2198
Vault 22內裏輻射:新維加斯。
25,Q-35 Matter Modulator,出格版電漿步槍;
dmg/attack: 32 DPS: 81 ammo type: Microfusion cells ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 12 skill: Energy Weapons strength req.: 2 skill req.: 25 repair: Plasma Rifle weight: 7.0 value: 2998
Repcomm總部(REPCONN Headquarters)一樓,若是開鎖夠高的話可以直接開門進往拿,不然要繞一個很年夜的圈子上3樓下3樓拿到。
26,Euclid's C-Finder
base id: 0014EB3C
這是真實的出格版兵器, 在freeside 東門追小姑娘的小男孩子max手裏,在Helios One的任務The lucky old sun當選擇給Archimedes II充電,然後可利用呼喚激光,每24小時主動充電一次。
5,Ranger Sequoia,.45-70 Gov't Hunting Revolver;
dmg/attack: 68 DPS: 104 attacks/sec: 1.68 spread: 0.1 crit dmg: 62 crit chance: x 1.5 ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 5 skill: Guns strength req.: 6 skill req.: 75 AP: 30 item HP: 80 repair: Hunting Revolver
weight: 4.00 value: 1024 base id: 00129A44
NCR的G營地(Camp Golf)裏的漢倫(Hanlon)主任身上,想要拿隻有殺了他,wiki還說了Veteran Rangers很偶然的也會帶這把槍。
13,This Machine
dmg/attack: 65 DPS: 139 spread: 0.5 crit dmg: 65 crit chance: x 1.0 ammo type: .308 ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 8 skill: Guns strength req.: 6 skill req.: 75 AP: 22 item HP: 600 repair: None weight: 9.50 value: 2800 base id: 000f062b
McCarran NCR營地的***商Contretras有一係列跑腿任務,在pippoy上沒有任務顯示的,隻有notes有。通俗版的就Silver Rush有賣。
29,Fat Man
dmg/attack: 236 DPS: 236 attacks/sec: 1 (unmodified: ) ammo type: Mini Nuke ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 1 skill: Explosives strength req.: 8 weight: 30, 15 with Little Boy kit. value: 5987 base id: 0000432c
就3個地方有3把:Cottonwood Crater的一個屍身上找到;在Quarry Junction也有一個,不過有許多滅亡爪監視;最後一個在Nopah Cave的一個Super Mutant Master屍身上。
30,Mercenary's grenade rifle,出格版的grenade rifle;
dmg/attack: 32 DPS: 32 attacks/sec: 1 (unmodified: 1) ammo type: 40mm grenade ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 1 skill: explosives strength req.: 3 weight: 5.50 value: 300
31,Thump-Thump,出格版grenade rifle;
dmg/attack: 31 DPS: 31 attacks/sec: 1 (unmodified: ) ammo type: 40mm Grenade ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 1 skill: Explosives repair: Grenade rifle weight: 5.5 value: 761 base id: 001429e2
任務Ant Misbehavin中開發動機南邊的Nellis Array Generators。
18,Dinner Bell, 12 gauge shotgun shell Hunting shotgun;
dmg/attack: 87.5 DPS: 148 ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 5 skill: Guns strength req.: 5 skill req.: 75 repair: Hunting Shotgun weight: 75 value: 44325 base id: 000f0b12
The Thorn地下鬥獸場的Red Lucy那邊能接到一個係列任務,最後一步拿滅亡爪的蛋給的誇獎。
33,Annabelle,出格版的missile launcher;
dmg/attack: 76 DPS: 17 attacks/sec: 1 (unmodified: ) ammo type: Missile ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 1 skill: Explosives strength req.: 6 skill req.: 75 repair: Missile Launcher weight: 20.00 value: 3897
殺死Black Mountain廣播塔上的一個Nightkin狙擊手得到。
34,Holy Frag Grenade,神聖手榴彈又回來了;
dmg/attack: 345explosiondamage? skill: Explosives weight: 0.50 value: 500 base id: 0014ea5a
Searchlight City內裏的教堂的地下室內裏,可是需要有Wild Wasteland trait,若是沒有的話哪裏隻有一個mini nuke。
35,Blade of the East,出格版的年夜刀;
dmg/attack: 41 DPS: 60 attacks/sec: 1.562 crit dmg: 98 crit chance: x 1 skill: Melee Weapons strength req.: 7 skill req.: 100 repair: Bumper sword weight: 12.00 value: 45 base id: 00143FBA
dmg/attack: 100 DPS: 100.0000 skill: Melee Weapons strength req.: 7 skill req.: 75 AP: 70.00 item HP: 800 repair: Chainsaw weight: 20 value: 2800 base id: 0015fe44
Vault 3的匪賊老年夜有把,Caesar's Legion blacksmith和Veteran Legionaries有小概率也會有效。
37,Chance's knife,出格版戰爭小刀;
dmg/attack: 22 DPS: 91 attacks/sec: 4.15 crit dmg: 22 crit chance: x 2 skill: Melee Weapons strength req.: 3 skill req.: 50 AP: 17 item HP: 90 repair: Combat Knife weight: 1.00 value: 900 base id: 00162C92
一座名為Chance's Grave的宅兆(具體位置在Goodsprings的北麵)挖開後發現一件Graet Khan Simple Armor和一把特意刀子Chance's Knife,挖墳需要一個鐵鏟,Goodsprings就有賣。
dmg/attack: 14 DPS: 56 attacks/sec: 4 crit dmg: 14 crit chance: x 2 skill: Melee strength req.: 2 skill req.: 0 AP: 22 item HP: 250 repair: Cleaver weight: 2.00 value: 800 base id: 14d2aa
在Wolfhorn Ranch一個灶台上。
dmg/attack: 66 DPS: 125 crit dmg: 33 crit chance: x 1 skill: Melee Weapons strength req.: 5 skill req.: 75 AP: 21 item HP: 110 repair: fire axe weight: 8 value: 3200 base id: 00156F7C
在Camp Searchlight's Fire Station內裏,可是你必須要完成軍團的一些任務才能拿到鑰匙進往。
40,Broad machete,出格版砍刀;
dmg/attack: 18 DPS: 62 attacks/sec: 3.466666666666667 crit dmg: 18 crit chance: x 3 skill: Melee Weapons strength req.: 3 skill req.: 25 AP: 18 item HP: 75 repair: Machete weight: 2.00 value: 1000
Camp Nelson的Dead Sea,你可以直接強或偷或替他做任務拿到輻射:新維加斯。
42,Machete Gladius;
King's Hideout的Sergio有。
44,Nephi's Golf Driver;
dmg/attack: 21 DPS: 48 skill: Melee strength req.: 2 repair: 9 Iron weight: 1.00 value: 500
Driver Nephi北麵一個Fiend身上。
45,The Humble Cudgel;
dmg/attack: 26 DPS: 52 attacks/sec: 2.7 crit dmg: 26 crit chance: x 1 skill: Melee Weapons strength req.: 5 skill req.: 50 AP: 21 (Special: 30) item HP: 75 repair: Lead Pipes weight: 3 value: 350 base id: 157bca
central sewers中給封閉的部分,需要"Blind" Luke屍身或西手下水道某具屍身上的鑰匙才能進往。
wiki上說Nephi's Golf Driver是出格版的鐵棍,The Humble Cudgel是出格版的高爾夫球杆,可是我不明白他是把實物或圖片弄反了。
46,Oh Baby!,出格版的超等鐵錘;
dmg/attack: 100 DPS: 138 attacks/sec: 1.736843 crit dmg: 40 crit chance: x 1 strength req.: 8 AP: 35
item HP: 100 repair: Super Sledges weight: 20.00 value: 6200 base id: 00156968
jacobtown後麵的Charleston Cave裏。
6,That Gun, 5.56mm rounds revolver;
dmg/attack: 18 DPS: 67 attacks/sec: 3.75 spread: 0.5 crit dmg: 18 crit chance: x 2.5 ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 5 skill: Guns strength req.: 6 skill req.: 50 AP: 19 item HP: 225 repair: None weight: 5
value: 1750 base id: 00133058
48,Golden gloves,出格版的拳擊手套;
在Lucky 38的第一層。
49,Displacer glove;
dmg/attack: 55 DPS: 50 attacks/sec: 1.3636 crit dmg: 50 crit chance: x 1.0000 skill: Unarmed strength req.: 4 skill req.: 100 AP: 28 item HP: 100 repair: Displacer Glove weight: 6 value: 3500 base id: 00155E66
Caesar 有個,the Hidden Valley Bunker和Gun Runners,Hoover Dam有賣(看不出哪裏特意?)
50,Love and Hate,出格版的手指虎;dmg/attack: 55
DPS: 75.78 attacks/sec: 2.52 crit dmg: 30 crit chance: x 1 skill: Unarmed strength req.: 3 skill req.: 50 AP: 19 item HP: 300 repair: Brass knuckles, Spiked knuckles weight: 1 value: 750 base id: 001568E6
Bonnie Springs的Viper Gang Leader。
28,Tesla-Beaton prototype,出格版的Tesla cannon;
dmg/attack: 98-100 DPS: 160 attacks/sec: 1 (unmodified: 1) spread: 0 crit dmg: 55 crit chance: x 2 ammo type: Electron charge pack ammo per shot: 45 ammo capacity: 45 shots/reload: 1 skill: Energy Weapons strength req.: 8 skill req.: 100 AP: 37 item HP: 40 repair: Tesla Cannon weight: 8.00 value: 12,525 base id: 0015a47f
在輿圖南邊接近Old Nuclear Test Site一處叫CRASHED VERTIBIRD的地方有2批9-10個機械人都是長腳和重型機械人(大概數目和難度有關),幹掉落他們以後能在飛機下麵發現這把兵器,年夜範圍殺傷性兵器啊。
52,Recompense of the Fallen,出格版的狗牌拳套;
dmg/attack: 25 DPS: 47 skill: Unarmed strength req.: 1 AP: 35 item HP: 150 repair: dog tag fist weight: 3 value: 250 base id: 0012ADB8
Cottonwood Cove的Office of Aurelius of Phoenix的一個書桌裏。
53,Paladin toaster,出格版的zap glove;
dmg/attack: 42 DPS: 43 skill: Unarmed strength req.: 4 skill req.: 75 weight: 6.00 value: 6795
Black Rock Cavern內裏。
1,Goodsprings:Goodsprings Cemetery, The Snowglobe is on top of the back left grave, at the base of the Grave Marker. Base ID 0015db3a
2,Hoover Dam : In the Hoover Dam visitor center, The Snowglobe is sitting on the welcome desk. Base ID 0015db39
3,Old Mormon Fort In the Old Mormon Fort, As soon as you enter the fort, go to the right, all the way to the corner, there is a door to the tower. The Snowglobe is located Upstairs on a shelf. Base ID 0015db37
4,Mt. Charleston Jacobstown in Jacobstown Lodge, The Snowglobe is sitting on the reception desk. Base ID 0015db38
5,Nellis AFB Nellis Air Force Base, Nellis Boomer Museum, The Snowglobe is located on the table to the right, immediately after entering the building. Base ID 0015db3c
6,Test Site Lucky 38 Casino, The Snowglobe is located in the Cocktail lounge on the counter behind a cash register with a green lamp next to it. Base ID 0015db3b
7The Strip Vault 21 (Vegas Strip), on the nightstand in an average locked room (Sarah's) in the northeast corner of Vault 21. Base ID 0015db3d