
部落戰爭萬聖節恐怖更新!萬聖節特殊禮包 十月更新彙總

來源: 飛翔小編 2014/10/23 9:17:10 瀏覽量:358



- 通過派遣一小批骷髏軍隊可以伏擊和分散您的敵人!它們可能比較脆弱,但是,它們在戰場上可是不容被忽視的哦。
- 可布置骷髏陷阱對敵軍的地麵部隊或空中部隊進行伏擊,為您的村莊找到最合適的陷阱部署方式!
- 骷髏陷阱在大本營達到8級時即可使用,升級後還可一次性部署更多骷髏兵。


- 各個等級聯賽對應的獲勝獎勵提升
- 部落對戰勝利、戰敗以及打平對應的獎勵提升!


- 使用一顆寶石為法術工廠提速的特惠活動又開始了!
- 清除特別的萬聖節墓碑,收集聖水


- 在部落檔案中設定部落戰爭的頻率,從“始終”到“從不”各種選項一應俱全
- 設定部落所屬地,或宣布其為國際部落
- 可通過設置不同條件搜索部落,如戰爭頻率、歸屬地、成員人數和最小經驗值,甚至都不需要特定的部落名稱
- 通過設置不同的搜索條件可以更加精確地搜索到您需要得到的結果。


- 使用一個按鈕便可為所有同類建築提速
- 服務器維護期間,可對軍隊建築的提速進行暫停,或更新後重新開始
- 提速11級的聖水收集器和金礦、第5級和第6級的暗黑重油收集器時,成本略有下降


- 八本開始增加一個迫擊炮
- 玩家信息將會顯示該村莊解鎖的最高級別的兵種、英雄和法術!
- 視頻回放中的英雄標簽現在能顯示英雄的能力狀態
- 訪客現在能通過兵營信息屏幕查看兵營組成情況
- 降低了障礙物清除時間
- 各級城堡,存放部落戰3種資源獎勵的容量提升

New permanent trap: The Skeleton Trap!
Ambush and distract your enemies with a small group of Skeleton troops! They might be short-lived, but will certainly get some attention.
Skeleton Traps can be set to target either ground troops or air troops. Find the right mix of trap modes for your village!
Skeleton Traps become available at Town Hall 8 and can be upgraded to deploy more skeletons at once.

Limited-time treats lasting through Halloween weekend
1-gem Spell Factory boost special is back!
Harvest some bonus Elixir from special Halloween Headstone obstacles

Clan profile and search improvements
Specify your Clan’s war frequency in your Clan profile, anything from always to never
Specify your Clan’s location, or declare it as International
Search other Clans by war frequency, location, member count and minimum clan points, even without specifying a search name
Know what Clan you’re searching for? Search via hashtag to get the exact result you need.
Clan descriptions can now be much longer!

Increased League bonus and more War loot
League bonuses increased on all League levels! 
More War loot! Increased rewards from victory, defeat and draw

Boost improvements
Boost all buildings of the same type with one button
Barracks, Spell Factory and Hero boosts will now be automatically paused during maintenance and can be resumed later for free
Slightly reduced boost cost for Elixir Pump level 11, Gold Mine level 11 and Dark Elixir Drill levels 5 & 6

Other Interface Improvements
New Mortar at Town Hall 8
Player profile now shows the highest unlocked level of a player’s troops, heroes and spells!
The Hero icons will now show Hero ability status also in replays
Army camp contents are now visible to visitors in the Army Camp info screen
Time to remove obstacles is now lower
Increased War loot storage capacity on all Clan Castle levels

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