
FIFA 11分享全手動的技巧

2013/3/11 13:59:22 來源:飛翔整理 編輯:飛翔小編

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Used to be a fan-boy of the PS3 PES/WE series but since the release of Fifa 09, I have been a avid follower of the Fifa series. 這哥們以前是玩實況的,後來09轉到FIFA了

I hope that by starting this thread, more players will be tempted to switch over from playing assisted/semi-assisted to FULL-MANUAL Fifa 11. On full-manual, the game changes completely and its totally awesome. You just have to try it.  他認為全手動使得FIFA11這個遊戲完全不同,玩起來很爽。

Though I am not a seasoned and expert full-manual player, let me begin the thread with some tips for beginners when switching over from assisted to full-manual. It worked for me and I hope it will for you too. 

Begin training full-manual by playing against the computer. You can set the difficulty level at Pro or World Class mode. I prefer World Class as they attack more and I can get use to full-manual switching when defending. Besides this, another good point would be that you will be more accustom to shielding the ball. By that, I mean you will see how the computer uses twist and turns to avoid your players, using stronger players to run and shield the ball from you etc all of which are critical in full-manual mode.可以將對電腦的難度設置為pro或WC。他更傾向於WC難度,因為此難度下電腦進攻更多,玩家在防守時可以更多的鍛煉全手動換人。

Recommended settings:推薦的設置

•Increase your game time to 10mins per half. You will hold on to the ball more often and get used to keeping possession and finding the free man available for attack. 

•If you plan to pit your skills and start playing online against assisted players, set game speed to be on Normal so that you can make an easier transition to online matches where most assisted players are playing on Normal speed.

•Start off using a 3.5/4 Vs 5 star team . You will learn about each players strength and weakness and how it will affect the game play. 

Here are some of the other tips I have gathered from my own experiences and also from the EA Fifa 11 forum.以下是幾點技巧

1.To pass accurately, hold L2 (slow jog) and orientate the body towards your teammates before powering up for the pass. Unless you ****-up the power bar, 80% of the time, it will reach your teammates. 

How often do you see Paul Scholes pause & orientate himself before making a 50 yard cross field pass to Nani on the other side of the flank? It's the realistic body posture that does the first part of the job here. Slow down, orientate yourself and then make the pass.

2.Try NOT to use the sprint button unless necessary. Only use it when there is an really open space for you to exploit and run into or if you want to escape away from your marker into an open space. 

I know many people would have realize this by now, but I think it's a really important point as it is the foundation for playing well on FULL manual. 

You do not want to be like Darren Fletcher/Park Ji Sung running around the pitch like a headless chicken. It ain't useful at all. Try passing around and let the ball do the work, just like real football.  你大概不願意看見Fletcher和樸智星像無頭小雞一樣滿場跑吧,那樣是沒用的,嚐試多傳球,讓球動起來。。。

3.Do NOT be afraid to make a pass back to your defenders or GK if options in front are limited. Chances are when you pass back, the other players will start to press forward and the opportunity of finding an open player to pass to will be higher. 

I realize that most good online players who are on FULL manual play like this. This works on world class difficulty level as well.

4.Personally, I think tactical choice play a huge part in the game whether if its on FULL manual or assisted. However, when you are on Full Manual, the difference will be significantly more visible as you slow the game down looking for players to pass around the pitch. 戰術選擇是很重要的,全手動情況下,將速度降下來後戰術對於遊戲的影響是比較大的

For myself, I use "possession" mode. When planning on the offensive, I will up the bar to "Attacking" mode. And sometimes, depending on the opponent and their tactics, I will switch back to defensive mode when i lose the ball so as to get players to start tracking back for defensive duties.

The reason for choosing "possession" + "attacking" mode is simple. I find that when playing on FULL Manual, it is critical to get players available when in attacking areas and not just do "a L1 pass" looking for a one-two everytime. You will get to learn how to get into better position to make a pass in tight areas rather than just learning manual passing in your own half when there are less players around you.

It might just be my personal preference but I would think its easier for beginners to learn the manual way of playing using this tactical combination. 筆者習慣性選擇possession+attacking的戰術

5.Make use of the new driven pass. Use R1 + Lob/Cross button. It's faster to switch play from one side of the field to another 使用R1+長傳。(這點我沒體會出來,大家一起討論)

6.Mix-up your passing variety. Lob/Cross button sometimes work as effectively if not better than the normal pass button. The reason why so many people are converting from assisted to FULL manual is because manual players are empowered with the ability to place the pass anywhere on the pitch... so make use of all passing options. 

7.This tip is gathered from the EA Fifa 11 forum. Someone mentioned that for shooting, if you keep missing your one-on-one chance in the box, you might want to give this a try.

As long as you are in the box, within 25 yard of the goal, use the Finesse shot, tap lightly and try to point it towards the goal. Ground shots are much more difficult to save. Just tap it, and try not to overpower the shot else it will be at a height comfortable for the GK to save it.

I think the forum did mention that this work best if you have a player with good finishing ability and the Finesse shot trait. 
以上說的主要是射門的問題,在近距離25米內射門時,使用fitness shot,但力度不要大,輕輕一點即可,地滾球門將更難撲救

8.Another tip for shooting, try to shoot straight at the angle that you are facing/running towards to. If you think that the angle that you are facing is wide at the post, do not shoot. If you attempt to tilt your analog stick and shoot, you will find that most of the time, the ball will end up wide of the goal. 
9. While attempting to cross from the byline, try not to hold the left analog stick all the way up at a 90 degree angle (if you're playing on tele) otherwise you might add too much swerve. Instead, aim for the player in the penalty area and hold the analog stick 3/4 in the direction.



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《生死狙擊》是一款根據同名頁遊改編而來的FPS科幻動作射擊手遊,也是一款由人氣偶像黃曉明傾情代言的動作冒險狙擊遊戲,在保留生死狙擊頁遊絕大部分經典玩法的同時,根據移動端的特性,引入了全新的操作模式和趣味玩法,力求讓玩家在手機上也能享受到不亞於端遊的槍戰快感。 下麵小編為大家帶來這款遊戲的各個版本,喜歡的玩家可以前來下載試玩!

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FIFA 係列是由國際足聯官方授權的足球遊戲.自1993年末發行第一個版本《FIFA 94》以來,EA Sports每年都會在歐洲各國聯賽開始前發行新版本,逢有世界杯和歐錦賽的年份,還會發行世界杯和歐錦賽遊戲。與EA Sports的其他遊戲,如《NFL》係列和《NHL》係列等不同的是,《FIFA》係列是它所在的遊戲領域的後來者。《FIFA 94》剛發行時,足球遊戲市場中已經有了Sensible Soccer、Kick Off和Matchday Soccer等自1980年代後期就開始占據市場的知名遊戲。不過在此時,EA Sports已經意識到了《FIFA》係列將會成為他們的又一個搖錢樹。

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  • FIFA08中文版

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    推薦理由:《FIFA 08》是EA推出的經典足球遊戲《FIFA》係列的第15部正統續作,同時也是2007年最佳體育遊戲的得主。本作
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  • FIFA10中文版

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