問: In both original SC and SCII, there is not any melee unit in Terran. Will you consider of introducing a melee unit into Terran units in the future?
答:No. It is not necessary and no need for it. Not having a melee unit for Terran promotes racial differentiation. If there is a need for a melee unit for balance reasons it will be added. The firebat was considered a melee unit for balance reasons in SC1, but it wasn’t really a melee unit. Hellions would probably be the closest to melee units, but still, we can’t consider them that because of the flamethrower.
問:We know that there’s hydralisk and marine in war3 map editor, so will there also be War3 units in SCII map editor?
答:Not at the moment we only have the Tauren Marine and there are no plans to include any in the future, but as with all things it is subject to change.
問:Since the SC2 Map Editor does not support MDX and MDL files any longer, we wonder if the Map Editor will support model exporting to encourage more custom maps.
答:No, it will not support these files. Mapmakers will have to make new models if they want to include them in the editor.
除非出於遊戲平衡性的需要,我們才會添加。-真實的戰場情況 遊戲裏麵,軸心國也好同盟軍也好數個國家險些全部武器都有出場的時機。從國人熟習的毛瑟大匣子到險些無人所知的蘇米式衝鋒槍。再到險些沒有一本書裏提到的程序裝備。這些萬國牌的工具都在遊戲裏或多或少的亮過相星際爭霸2官方問答。