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2010/12/16 15:12:19來源:本站原創編輯:佚名瀏覽量:853標簽:星際爭霸2星際爭霸

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1UP PC Editor-in-Chief Jeff Green recently broke bread with Blizzard senior art director Samwise Didier. Among the topics of conversation: StarCraft II, Blizzard then and now, and how to properly handle a Zerg Queen.

1UP PC主編Jeff Green 近來采訪了暴雪高級美術設計師Samwise Didier。咱們希望蟲族能有女王---蟲族帝國的女族長。

1UP: In terms of the art direction, are you finding more challenges with StarCraft II than you have in previous games? What are the uniquely tough things for you and your team in this game?


Samwise Didier, Senior Art Director: The main art issue that comes up is to make sure we aren't making something too much like WarCraft. We want to try to keep these licenses distinct, right? But it's so ingrained into our nature to try to push everything artistically over the top -- but a lot of that doesn't go well with StarCraft. WarCraft has more of a comic-book fantasy style. With StarCraft, we want to keep it grittier, darker, with less over-the-top humor. We want to keep the metals for the Terrans dull and rusty, we want the Protoss to have the shiny gold. It wouldn't be appropriate to have golden shoulder-pads on the Terrans. Just recently, we did a pass on some of our artwork to make the lighting a little bit less bright and the team colors a little bit less saturated. We're still dialing it in even now, but it's definitely starting to look more like how we want to make it look.

/yx/15853.html 星際爭霸(Starcraft)




1UP: How much pressure do you feel to meet fan expectations? How much freedom do you feel you have to, say, totally change the way the Zerg look?

1UP: 對你來說,要滿足玩家們的期望,壓力有多大?此外,在蟲族的徹底風格轉變上,你的自由度大嗎?

SD: Well, we sat down and first said, OK, what are the stereotypical, classic Zerg units? When people think of Zerg, what do they think? Zergling, Hydralisk, Ultralisk, Mutalisk -- all the 'lisks, right? Now, that list is different for everybody, but we actually tallied up votes from a bunch of guys on the team, and those were the units that came out. With the Terrans, it was Marines, Siege tank, and Battlecruiser. So we kept those, right? We evolved them a bit. The Marine right now has a bayonet on his gun. Ooh, crazy, we changed him! But by keeping the basic Terran, Protoss, and Zerg units, that allowed us to go, OK, what do we want to add that's new? If we don't have to keep this Protoss unit, we could put the Colossus in instead. Or if we don't have to keep this Zerg unit, we can try something crazy, like the Infestor. So we tried to walk that line where we kept the ones that everyone sees as the basic, core units, and then got rid of the other ones that aren't fluff but just weren't the ones that everyone keyed in on, and put in new ones for those. Certain things that people say like, 'Oh, well, I love the heal, I love the Medic!"...well, did you love the Medic, or did you love the healing? If it's the heal, OK, maybe we can put that on something else and come up with a whole new unit, or combine it into something else.

SD:呃,咱們起首要考慮的是,什麼是蟲族的常規,或者說典型單位?當人們談到蟲族時,他們會想到什麼?Zergling, 刺蛇,猛獁,飛龍---所有這些,對嗎?現在,這張單子對每個人來說是不同的,但咱們在團隊內做了一次投票,效果是人族的象征單位是機槍兵,攻城坦克和巡洋艦。以是咱們保留了他們,並做了一些改進。現在機槍兵的武器上安裝了刺刀。這有些瘋狂,咱們改變了他!但在保留原有單位的基礎上,咱們做出適當的改變是被允許的。好了,那咱們想加些什麼新東西進去呢?假如咱們不想保留某個神族原有單位,咱們就用Colossus來代替它。

SD: Yeah, that's the big thing for the Zerg right now -- that's the real thing that we're pushing. We want the Zerg to have the Queen, the matriarch of the Zerg empire.

1UP: So far, just in the playtime I got today, it seems like the Queen is definitely the biggest change...


1UP: In my very first game, I took her out of the base with a bunch of Zerglings, and [1UP Videogames Editor-in-Chief James] Mielke was laughing at me...


SD: Did she get grilled?


1UP: Yeah, she totally did. So you just don't wanna do that, right?


SD: Not right away. Her basic use is as the keeper of the hive. She is a lot stronger against other units when you utilize her swarm infestation on buildings, use the deep tunnel, use the regeneration on your buildings that enemies are trying to take out. She's awesome against a lot of little units. But you don't want her going up against 14 Battlecruisers. It's not gonna go well.


1UP: So you basically want to keep her at your base almost the whole game?




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