我的世界 v1.8.9裝備狀態顯示MOD是一款很實用的MOD,不需要點擊包裹看屬性了,需要的小夥伴趕緊來下載吧~
我的世界 v1.8.9裝備狀態顯示MOD,由“OrangeMarshall”製作,一個簡易的HUD輔助MOD,不用打開庫存就可以顯示當前的狀態,血量、裝備耐久度,顯示當前的方向,本站提供我的世界裝備狀態顯示MOD,需要的玩家不要錯過哦!
Contains the following mods:
SimpleSprint (toggles your sprint so you don't have to hold the key all the time)
StatusEffectHud (displays your current status effects without your inventory being open)
armorUNK shud(顯示你現在的盔甲和它的耐用性)
ArmorStatusHud (displays your current armor and its durability)
DirectionHud (displays the direction you're currently looking at)
You can customize them the way you want them to appear on the screen.
/ simpleconfig調整配置值。
/simpleconfig to adjust config values.
/ simplehud把它們安排在屏幕上(隻是拖著它們到處走)。
/simplehud to arrange them on the screen (just drag them around).
684KB / 03-08
下載29.5M / 03-08
下載3.5M / 03-03
下載76.4M / 03-25
55M / 06-05
237.9M / 04-13
140.5M / 03-06
900.9M / 03-02
96.2M / 07-06
311.2M / 07-06
335M / 07-06
200M / 07-06
413.8M / 07-06
353.9M / 06-05
131.8M / 04-13
230.8M / 03-03
195.6M / 03-03
165.4M / 03-03
45.6M / 09-08
665.2M / 07-06
2.84G / 07-06
93M / 07-06
338.3M / 07-06
1.38G / 07-26
488.3M / 07-16
109.8M / 06-03
142M / 01-08
1.2M / 11-23
548.8M / 04-13
1.6M / 04-13
1.48G / 03-18
646.6M / 03-03
133.7M / 03-03
325.8M / 06-07
60M / 04-29
254M / 04-25
659M / 04-23
1M / 12-26
253.4M / 12-08
253M / 12-08
1.19G / 11-16
110.5M / 04-23
26.7M / 03-16
488.3M / 07-16
248.9M / 12-08
248.9M / 12-08
201.2M / 04-13
100.6M / 03-06
148.9M / 03-06
1.12G / 07-06
1.25G / 07-06
9.48G / 07-06
50KB / 07-06
116.2M / 04-10
1.92G / 04-17
201.5M / 04-13
7.31G / 07-01
94.3M / 07-06
2.48G / 07-06
7.63G / 07-06
1M / 07-06
778.1M / 07-06
509.7M / 07-06
561.8M / 07-11
1.32G / 01-19
72M / 07-06
548.7M / 07-06
1.00G / 07-06
9.13G / 07-06
126.2M / 07-06
72M / 07-06
105.1M / 07-06
132M / 07-06