輻射4 阿爾金三級衝鋒頭盔MOD是一款世界戰場上常用的頂級防彈頭盔,需要的小夥伴趕緊來點擊下載吧~
輻射4 阿爾金三級衝鋒頭盔MOD,由“Nexus - Nutulator”製作,從大逃殺的世界拖出來的一種近距離使用的頭盔,最初是由一家瑞士公司製造,原名PSH-77,可以染色,外形看起來怪怪的,本站提供輻射4阿爾金三級衝鋒頭盔MOD,需要的玩家不要錯過哦!
Altyn是一種攻擊頭盔,它被進入近距離的進入小組使用,並保護佩戴者不受手槍和彈片的傷害。它的主要用戶是俄羅斯特種部隊,如Alfa Group和Vympel。
The Altyn is an assault helmet, it's used by entry teams in close quarters and protects the wearer from pistol rounds and shrapnel. Its main users are Russian special forces like Alfa Group and Vympel.
The helmet's shell is made of titanium and later in its lifetime the inside side was lined with protective aramid fiber which allowed the thickness of the shell to be reduced.
頭盔最初是由一家瑞士公司(TIG)製造的,頭盔被稱為“psh - 77”。後來,俄國人開始在設計上做些改動。開始生產的公司是NII Stali。
Originally the helmet was made by a Swiss company (TIG) and the helmet was called Psh-77. Later the Russians started making their own with some changes to the design. The company which started producing them was NII Stali.
The model in this mod is the Russian one with no radio modification and with a titanium visor housing instead of the rubber one which was on earlier models.
這個頭盔的商業版本叫做k6 - 3。
The commercial version of this helmet is called the K6-3.
All the meshes and textures have been made by me in Blender and Substance Painter 2. The only thing I've reused is the glass texture/material for the visor and collision for the GO files.
Altyn Helmet -There are two versions of the helmet--one with the visor down and another with the visor up. Both versions have GO files so you can inspect them in the menu or drop them on the ground without having some vanilla helmet showing up.
There are 9 paints to choose from including the default olive drab. From camouflage tiger stripes to shark teeth to black special forces with kill marks. Many with special effects.
There are a handful of vanilla linings which can also be added.
The vanilla gas mask can also be worn with this.
Mask - I've included in a black mask which can be worn under the helmet, I've seen it worn in multiple photos so I thought it would be a good addition.
There are two versions of the mask--one to be worn alone and another with the helmet. The reason there are two is because of a conflict with armor slots.
These can be crafted at any Chembench under, "ALTYN ASSAULT HELMET."
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