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慧榮固態硬盤量產工具V2016 最新免費版

  • 慧榮固態硬盤量產工具截圖0
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好玩 好玩 0
坑爹 坑爹 0
  • 應用語言:英文
  • 應用大小:1.3M
  • 更新時間:2016-01-12 17:29
  • 發行時間:
  • 應用類型:普通
  • 應用標簽:固態硬盤
媽蛋,小編的固態硬盤掛掉了,小編還想挽救下。。查找了一些資料,原來是可以量產的。。小編使用了這款慧榮固態硬盤量產工具慧榮sm2246EN主控芯片開卡工具MPN0325A版本,本程序支持多顆FLASH。壓縮包內有FLASH支持列表。主要功能:用於固態硬盤采用慧榮SM2 [更多]




用於固態硬盤采用慧榮SM2250AB芯片的量產工具,當然也可以用來升級固件等功能。如果無法打開量產工具,請試著將sm22XMPTool.exe的屬性---兼容性改為--用兼容模式運行這個程序:windows98/windowsme工具的設置Edit Config密碼是320 設置密碼是320


1.add Show all RDT result button on 8Port RDT tagPage
2.add Compare SN function on BarCode dialog.
3.Fix Dump Erase count issue for TLC NF.
4.Add 0xF1/0x28 vendor command on DRAM Test procedure.
5. Check SN wheather is reaptly on Barcode dialog
6.Add SLC Region Capacity on CID setting for TLC.
7.Add new case "A-Top" with in DRAM Vendor fields
it is the same as "NANYA" setting, PM Stanley request.
8.Modify Verify Card Size rule for SM2246 TLC, RD David request
9.Fixed 8Port RDT Result Display.
10.If SN repetition, modify the Warning message box to "Continue" and "Exit"
11. If it is 0MB after scan drive, it will show"Can't Detect Drive"
12. Add "SaveSN WWNfail".
13. 8Port RDT repaint when change Tag page or screen move.
14. Add 4th fail case when RDT fail, "0xFF Pattern"
15. Mofied Time stamp units as "Secs" on MarkBad TagPage.
16. Scan Drive first when open MP tool, in PNY mode.
17. Modified 8 Port RDT display.
18. On BarCode, add "check Whether is 8 SN inputting" and
- "Check whether is any SN exist"
19. Modify message button text as "Continues" and "Return"
20. Remove Check PNY SN format on QC procedure.
21. On Barcode, add Warning message box for "Continues" and "Return".
22. When enable Barcode, if some Port, it didn't input SN, it will show warnong
messsage "Port # Serial Number is empty in Barcode!""
23. ON Scan Drive, if it didn't input SN on Barcode, it will show Warning message.
24. After push "finish" in Barcode, it will scan drive again automatically.
25. Mark Check PNY SN format.
26. Add Tag page "Assembly Verification" for PNY, in setting.set [OPTION]
27. Add "Dual DRAM" option for Pretest option setting
28. Add display RDT Hours and Loops in "8port RDT result" tag page.
29. For PNY, it will show QList on initial MP tool.


    慧榮固態硬盤量產工具 V2016 最新免費版




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