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php語言7.2.0 alpha1最新版

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  • 應用語言:中文
  • 應用大小:13M
  • 更新時間:2017-06-08 16:29
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php語言7.2.0alpha1最新版是php腳本語言的最新版本,新版本加入了更多新的特性,修複以前版本中遺留的BUG,php是一款非常實用的腳本語言,被廣泛應用於web領域,需要的用戶趕快來下載吧。Windows安裝方法你可以從nbsp;windows.php.net/downloadnbsp;下載二 [更多]

php語言7.2.0 alpha1最新版是php腳本語言的最新版本,新版本加入了更多新的特性,修複以前版本中遺留的BUG,php是一款非常實用的腳本語言,被廣泛應用於web領域,需要的用戶趕快來下載吧。

Windows 安裝方法

你可以從 windows.php.net/download 下載二進製包。解壓後, 最好為你的 PHP 所在的根目錄(php.exe 所在的文件夾)設置PATH,這樣就可以從命令行中直接執行 PHP。

Windows 下有多種安裝 PHP 的方式,你可以 下載二進製安裝包 並使用.msi安裝程序。從 PHP 5.3.0 之後,這個安裝程序將不再提供下載支持。

如果隻是學習或者本地開發,可以直接使用 PHP 5.4+ 內置的 Web 服務器, 還能省去配置服務器的麻煩。如果你想要包含有網頁服務器以及 MySql 的集成包,那麼像是Web Platform Installer, XAMPP, EasyPHP 和 WAMP 這類工具將會幫助你快速建立 Windows 開發環境。不過這些工具將會與線上環境有些許差別,如果你是在 Windows 下開發,而生產環境則部署至 Linux ,請小心。

如果你需要將生產環境部署在 Windows 上,那 IIS7 將會提供最穩定和最佳的性能。你可以使用 phpmanager (IIS7 的圖形化插件) 讓你簡單的設置並管理 PHP。IIS7 也有內置的 FastCGI ,你隻需要將 PHP 配置為它的處理器即可。更多詳情請見dedicated area on iis.net。



PHP 是一個靈活的動態語言,支持多種編程技巧。這幾年一直不斷的發展,重要的裏程碑包含 PHP 5.0 (2004) 增加了完善的麵向對象模型,PHP 5.3 (2009) 增加了匿名函數與命名空間以及 PHP 5.4 (2012) 增加的 traits。


PHP 擁有完整的麵向對象編程的特性,包括類,抽象類,接口,繼承,構造函數,克隆和異常等。

閱讀 PHP 麵向對象編程

閱讀 Traits

函數式編程 Functional Programming

PHP 支持函數是”第一等公民”,即函數可以被賦值給一個變量,包括用戶自定義的或者是內置函數,然後動態調用它。函數可以作為參數傳遞給其他函數(稱為高階函數),也可以作為函數返回值返回。

PHP 支持遞歸,也就是函數自己調用自己,但多數 PHP 代碼使用迭代。

自從 PHP 5.3 (2009) 之後開始引入對閉包以及匿名函數的支持。

PHP 5.4 增加了將閉包綁定到對象作用域中的特性,並改善其可調用性,如此即可在大部分情況下使用匿名函數取代一般的函數。


- Core:

. Added ZEND_COUNT, ZEND_GET_CLASS, ZEND_GET_CALLED_CLASS, ZEND_GET_TYPE,ZEND_FUNC_NUM_ARGS, ZEND_FUNC_GET_ARGS instructions, to implementcorresponding builtin functions. (Dmitry)

. "Countable" interface is moved from SPL to Core. (Dmitry)

. Added ZEND_IN_ARRAY instruction, implementing optimized in_array() builtin

function, through hash lookup in flipped array. (Dmitry)

. Removed IS_TYPE_IMMUTABLE (it's the same as COPYABLE & !REFCOUNTED). (Dmitry)

. Removed the sql.safe_mode directive. (Kalle)

. Removed support for Netware. (Kalle)

. Renamed ReflectionClass::isIterateable() to ReflectionClass::isIterable()

(alias original name for BC). (Sara)

. Fixed bug #54535 (WSA cleanup executes before MSHUTDOWN). (Kalle)

. Implemented FR #69791 (Disallow mail header injections by extra headers)


. Implemented FR #49806 (proc_nice() for Windows). (Kalle)

. Fix pthreads detection when cross-compiling (ffontaine)

. Fixed memory leaks caused by exceptions thrown from destructors. (Bob,


. Fixed bug #73215 (uniqid() should use better random source). (Yasuo)

. Fixed bug #73337 (try/catch not working with two exceptions inside a same

operation). (Dmitry)

. Implemented FR #72768 (Add ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING flag for

php.exe). (Michele Locati)

. Implemented "Convert numeric keys in object/array casts" RFC, fixes

bugs #53838, #61655, #66173, #70925, #72254, etc. (Andrea)

. Implemented "Deprecate and Remove Bareword (Unquoted) Strings" RFC.

(Rowan Collins)

. Raised minimum supported Windows versions to Windows 7/Server 2008 R2.


. Implemented minor optimization in array_keys/array_values(). (Sara)

. Fixed bug #73969 (segfault in debug_print_backtrace). (andrewnester)

. Added PHP_OS_FAMILY constant to determine on which OS we are. (Jan Altensen)

. Fixed bug #73994 (arginfo incorrect for unpack). (krakjoe)

. Fixed bug #73973 (assertion error in debug_zval_dump). (andrewnester)

. Fixed bug #73987 (Method compatibility check looks to original

definition and not parent). (pmmaga)

. Fixed bug #73991 (JSON_OBJECT_AS_ARRAY not respected). (Sara)

. Fixed bug #74053 (Corrupted class entries on shutdown when a destructor

spawns another object). (jim at commercebyte dot com)

. Fixed bug #73971 (Filename got limited to MAX_PATH on Win32 when scan

directory). (Anatol)

. Fixed bug #74149 (static embed SAPI linkage error). (krakjoe)

. Fixed bug #72359, bug #72451, bug #73706, bug #71115 and others related

to interned strings handling in TS builds. (Anatol, Dmitry)

. Implemented "Trailing Commas In List Syntax" RFC for group use lists only.

(Sammy Kaye Powers)

. Fixed bug #74269 (It's possible to override trait property with different

loosely-equal value). (pmmaga)

. Fixed bug #61970 (Restraining __construct() access level in subclass gives

a fatal error). (pmmaga)

. Fixed bug #63384 (Cannot override an abstract method with an abstract

method). (pmmaga, wes)

. Fixed bug #74607 (Traits enforce different inheritance rules). (pmmaga)

. Fixed misparsing of abstract unix domain socket names. (Sara)

- BCMath:

. Fixed bug #46564 (bcmod truncates fractionals). (liborm85)

- Calendar:

. Fix integer overflows (Joshua Rogers)

- Date:

. Fixed bug #55407 (Impossible to prototype DateTime::createFromFormat).


. Fixed bug #69587 (DateInterval properties and isset). (jhdxr)

. Fixed bug #74404 (Wrong reflection on DateTimeZone::getTransitions).


. Fixed bug #74080 (add constant for RFC7231 format datetime). (duncan3dc)

. Fixed bug #74639 (implement clone for DatePeriod and DateInterval).


. Implemented FR #71520 (Adding the DateTime constants to the

DateTimeInterface interface). (Majkl578)

- Dba:

. Fixed bug #72885 (flatfile: dba_fetch() fails to read replaced entry).


- DOM:

. Fixed bug #67474 (getElementsByTagNameNS filter on default ns). (aboks)

. Fixed bug #54382 (getAttributeNodeNS doesn't get xmlns* attributes).


. Fixed bug #74004 (LIBXML_NOWARNING (etc) ignored by DOMDocument::loadHTML).



. Added support for vendor specific tags for the following formats:

Samsung, DJI, Panasonic, Sony, Pentax, Minolta, Sigma/Foveon, AGFA,

Kyocera, Ricoh & Epson. (Kalle)

. Fixed bug #72682 (exif_read_data() fails to read all data for some

images). (Kalle)

. Fixed bug #71534 (Type confusion in exif_read_data() leading to heap

overflow in debug mode). (hlt99 at blinkenshell dot org, Kalle)

. Fixed bug #68547 (Exif Header component value check error).

(sjh21a at gmail dot com, Kalle)

. Fixed bug #66443 (Corrupt EXIF header: maximum directory nesting level

reached for some cameras). (Kalle)

. Fixed Redhat bug #1362571 (PHP not returning full results for

exif_read_data function). (Kalle)

- FPM:

. Configuration to limit fpm slow log trace callers. (Sannis)

. Fixed bug #69865 (php-fpm does not close stderr when using syslog).


- FTP:

. Fixed bug #74598 (ftp:// wrapper ignores context arg). (Sara)

. Implement MLSD for structured listing of directories. (blar)

- GD:

. Implemented imageresolution as getter and setter (Christoph)

. Fixed bug #74343 (compile fails on solaris 11 with system gd2 library).


- GMP:

. Fixed bug #70896 (gmp_fact() silently ignores non-integer input). (Sara)

- hash:

. Fixed bug #73961 (environmental build dependency in hash sha3 source).


. Changed HashContext from resource to object. (Rouven We?ling, Sara)

- intl:

. Fixed bug #74433 (wrong reflection for Normalizer methods). (villfa)

. Fixed bug #74439 (wrong reflection for Locale methods). (villfa)

. Fixed bug #74468 (wrong reflection on Collator::sortWithSortKeys). (villfa)

. Fixed bug #63790 (test using Spoofchecker which may be unavailable). (Sara)

- Mbstring:

. Implemented request #66024 (mb_chr() and mb_ord()). (Masakielastic, Yasuo)

. Implemented request #65081 (mb_scrub()). (Masakielastic, Yasuo)

. Implemented request #69086 (enhancement for mb_convert_encoding() that

handles multibyte replacement char nicely). (Masakielastic, Yasuo)

. Added array input support to mb_convert_encoding(). (Yasuo)

. Added array input support to mb_check_encoding(). (Yasuo)

. Fixed bug #69079 (enhancement for mb_substitute_character). (masakielastic)

. Update to oniguruma version 6.3.0. (Remi)

- Mcrypt:

. The deprecated mcrypt extension has been moved to PECL. (leigh)

- MySQLi:

. Fixed bug #73949 (leak in mysqli_fetch_object). (krakjoe)

- mysqlnd:

. Fixed bug #73800 (sporadic segfault with MYSQLI_OPT_INT_AND_FLOAT_NATIVE).


- OpenSSL:

. Fixed bug #71519 (add serial hex to return value array). (xrobau)


. Added support for PCRE JIT fast path API. (dmitry)

. Fixed bug #61780 (Inconsistent PCRE captures in match results). (cmb)

- PDO:

. Add "Sent SQL" to debug dump for emulated prepares. (Adam Baratz)

. Add parameter types for national character set strings. (Adam Baratz)

- PDO_DBlib:

. Fixed bug #73234 (Emulated statements let value dictate parameter type).

(Adam Baratz)

. Fixed bug #73396 (bigint columns are returned as strings). (Adam Baratz)

. Expose DB-Library version as \PDO::DBLIB_ATTR_VERSION attribute on \PDO

instance. (Adam Baratz)

. Add test coverage for bug #72969. (Jeff Farr)


. Fixed bug #54379 (PDO_OCI: UTF-8 output gets truncated). (gureedo / Oracle)


. Fixed bug #73959 (lastInsertId fails to throw an exception for wrong

sequence name). (andrewnester)

- PDO_Sqlite

. Switch to sqlite3_prepare_v2() and sqlite3_close_v2() functions (rasmus)

- phar:

. Fixed bug #74383 (phar method parameters reflection correction).


. Fixed bug #74196 (phar does not correctly handle names containing dots).


. Fixed bug #74386 (Phar::__construct reflection incorrect). (villfa)


. Added extended_value to opcode dump output. (Sara)

- posix:

. Fixed bug #71219 (configure script incorrectly checks for ttyname_r). (atoh)

- Session:

. Fixed bug #73461 (Prohibit session save handler recursion). (Yasuo)

. PR #2233 Removed register_globals related code and "!" can be used as $_SESSION key name. (Yasuo)

. Improved bug #73100 fix. 'user' save handler can only be set by session_set_save_handler()

. Fixed bug #69582 (session not readable by root in CLI). (EvgeniySpinov)


. Fixed bug #69137 (Peer verification fails when using a proxy with SoapClient)

(Keith Smiley)

- SQLite3:

. Update to Sqlite 3.18.0. (cmb)

. Fixed bug #74413 (incorrect reflection for SQLite3::enableExceptions).


- Standard:

. Add subject to mail log. (tomsommer)

. Fixed bug #31875 (get_defined_functions additional param to exclude

disabled functions). (willianveiga)

. Fixed bug #69442 (closing of fd incorrect when PTS enabled). (jaytaph)

. Fixed bug #72974 (imap is undefined service on AIX). (matthieu.sarter)

. Fixed bug #72979 (money_format stores wrong length AIX). (matthieu.sarter)

. Fixed bug #74300 (unserialize accepts two plus/minus signs for float number exponent part).


. Fixed bug #74556 (stream_socket_get_name() returns '\0'). (Sara)

- XML:

. Moved utf8_encode() and utf8_decode() to the Standard extension. (Andrea)

. Fixed bug #72135 (malformed XML causes fault) (edgarsandi)

- xmlreader:

. Fixed bug #74457 (Wrong reflection on XMLReader::expand). (villfa)


. Use Zend MM for allocation in bundled libxmlrpc (Joe)

- ZIP:

. Add support for encrypted archives. (Remi)

. Use of bundled libzip is deprecated, --with-libzip option is recommended. (Remi)

. Fixed Bug #73803 (Reflection of ZipArchive does not show public properties). (Remi)


    php語言7.2.0 alpha1最新版




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