jodd v3.9工具包是一款開源的jar工具類,提供了非常多的http傳輸工具類,非常的實用,可以用於工作項目中,需要的用戶趕快來下載吧。
Bug Fixes
http - fixed bug with multiple headers.
db - CallableStatement are supported in debug mode #420.
proxetta - added all interfaces while scanning the target class info.
proxetta - fixed generic array #418.
http - Added strict headers flag for storing headers as they are passed to the engine.
json - Added two JsonParser methods for easier parsing to a map and a list.
json - New generic JSON classes added: JsonArray and JsonObject.
core - Added MapEntry implementations.
core - Added snapshot() method to Cache.
proxetta - Added TypeInfo for tracking method arguments and return types.
Breaking changes
http - Http headers was removed in favor of headerNames().
json - strings are now not strictly parsed (/ is not longer escaped).
proxetta - all interfaces are scanned now when looking for the target info.
core - iterator() removed from the Cache.
proxetta - MethodInfo interface is changed.
1.提供操作Java bean
jodd-core 一些工具類,包括Printf、JDateTime、StringUtil、Fast buffers等等
jodd-bean BeanUtil以及類型檢查轉換工具
jodd-props 更強大的Java Properties替代
jodd-email 更簡單易用的e-mail收發
jodd-upload 處理HTTP上傳
jodd-servlets 一些Servlet相關的工具類, 附帶一套漂亮的JSP標簽庫
jodd-http 輕巧的HTTP客戶端
jodd-madvoc 一個MVC框架
jodd-petite 一個依賴注入容器
jodd-lagarto HTML/XML解析器,包含Jerry和CSSelly,讓你像jQuery一樣篩選HTML節點
jodd-lagarto-web Lagarto的Web擴展,包含Decora、HtmlStapler等等
jodd-proxetta 幫你實現動態代理,獲取函數參數名
jodd-dboom 數據庫訪問的輕量級封裝,可看作一個簡單的ORM
jodd-json JSON解析、序列化
jodd-vtor 一個基於注解的字段驗證框架
76.4M / 03-25
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