甲骨文Oracle公司:Java SE, JDK 9 現已正式發布!首先新功能jshell無疑讓JAVA再次領先其它編程語言和平台10年以上!Java開發者們再也不用羨慕別的自帶REPL的語言了,不用為了試個Java功能而開個Groovy shell了 。其次最主要的大功能就是Jigsaw——Java模塊化了,有了它,自己定製/裁剪JDK變得更直接。
JDK(Java Development Kit)是整個Java的核心,包括了Java運行環境、Java工具和Java基礎類庫。JDK作為JAVA開發的環境,運行JAVA程序不可缺少的環境,不管是做JAVA開發還是做安卓開發,都必須在電腦上安裝JDK。小到小型設備,大到智慧城市,Java的貢獻力量是其他任何技術都無可比擬的。
—最好玩的新功能當屬jshell,有了它無疑讓JAVA再次領先其它編程語言和平台10年以上!騎士繼續流行20年也完全沒有問題。因為它和Graal+Truffle、Substrate VM開啟了無限可能!!Java開發們們再也不用羨慕別的自帶REPL的語言了,不用為了試個Java功能而開個Groovy shell了 。
—作為JVM的JIT編譯器研發,最關注的功能是JVMCI,有了它之後,第三方開發就可以更為方便的向HotSpot VM插入一些強大的插件,例如說可以從外部配置插入一個新的JIT編譯器。這樣,要在HotSpot VM上使用Graal編譯器就非常容易了,不必再專門用改造過的Graal VM。Oracle JDK 9計劃在未來的某個update版本裏發布配套的AOT編譯器,而這個AOT編譯器正是基於Graal與JVMCI的。
—Oracle JDK 9 / OpenJDK 9把G1作為默認GC選項,如果要選用Parallel GC、CMS GC等別的GC的話則要顯式在命令行上指定。這對目前正在使用CMS GC的人來說多半沒什麼影響,畢竟現在用CMS GC也要顯式配置-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC選項。而對目前因為用默認GC而在用Parallel GC的人來說,這個新的默認選項可能會有一定影響,值得測試一下。
102: Process API 更新
110: HTTP 2 Client
143: 提升訪問對象時的線程競爭處理
158: 統一 JVM 日誌
165: Compiler Control
193: Variable Handles
197: 分割代碼緩存區
199: Smart Java Compilation, 第二階段
200: 模塊化JDK
201: 模塊化源碼
211: Elide Deprecation Warnings on Import Statements
212: Resolve Lint and Doclint Warnings
213: Milling Project Coin
214: Remove GC Combinations Deprecated in JDK 8
215: Tiered Attribution for javac
216: Process Import Statements Correctly
217: Annotations Pipeline 2.0
219: Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS)
220: 模塊化運行時鏡像
221: Simplified Doclet API
222: jshell: The Java Shell (Read-Eval-Print Loop)
223: New Version-String Scheme
224: HTML5 Javadoc
225: Javadoc Search
226: UTF-8 Property Files
227: Unicode 7.0
228: Add More Diagnostic Commands
229: Create PKCS12 Keystores by Default
231: Remove Launch-Time JRE Version Selection
232: Improve Secure Application Performance
233: Generate Run-Time Compiler Tests Automatically
235: Test Class-File Attributes Generated by javac
236: Parser API for Nashorn
237: Linux/AArch64 Port
238: Multi-Release JAR Files
240: Remove the JVM TI hprof Agent
241: Remove the jhat Tool
243: Java-Level JVM Compiler Interface
244: TLS Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation Extension
245: Validate JVM Command-Line Flag Arguments
246: Leverage CPU Instructions for GHASH and RSA
247: Compile for Older Platform Versions
248: Make G1 the Default Garbage Collector
249: OCSP Stapling for TLS
250: Store Interned Strings in CDS Archives
251: Multi-Resolution Images
252: Use CLDR Locale Data by Default
253: Prepare JavaFX UI Controls & CSS APIs for Modularization
254: Compact Strings
255: Merge Selected Xerces 2.11.0 Updates into JAXP
256: BeanInfo Annotations
257: Update JavaFX/Media to Newer Version of GStreamer
258: HarfBuzz Font-Layout Engine
259: Stack-Walking API
260: Encapsulate Most Internal APIs
261: 模塊化係統
262: TIFF Image I/O
263: HiDPI Graphics on Windows and Linux
264: Platform Logging API and Service
265: Marlin Graphics Renderer
266: More Concurrency Updates
267: Unicode 8.0
268: XML Catalogs
269: Convenience Factory Methods for Collections
270: Reserved Stack Areas for Critical Sections
271: Unified GC Logging
272: Platform-Specific Desktop Features
273: DRBG-Based SecureRandom Implementations
274: Enhanced Method Handles
275: Modular Java Application Packaging
276: Dynamic Linking of Language-Defined Object Models
277: Enhanced Deprecation
278: Additional Tests for Humongous Objects in G1
279: Improve Test-Failure Troubleshooting
280: Indify String Concatenation
281: HotSpot C++ Unit-Test Framework
282: jlink: The Java Linker
283: Enable GTK 3 on Linux
284: New HotSpot Build System
285: Spin-Wait Hints
287: SHA-3 Hash Algorithms
288: Disable SHA-1 Certificates
289: Deprecate the Applet API
290: Filter Incoming Serialization Data
291: Deprecate the Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS) Garbage Collector
292: Implement Selected ECMAScript 6 Features in Nashorn
294: Linux/s390x Port
295: Ahead-of-Time Compilation
297: Unified arm32/arm64 Port
298: Remove Demos and Samples
299: Reorganize Documentation
76.4M / 03-25
55M / 06-05
237.9M / 04-13
140.5M / 03-06
900.9M / 03-02
96.2M / 07-06
311.2M / 07-06
335M / 07-06
200M / 07-06
413.8M / 07-06
353.9M / 06-05
131.8M / 04-13
230.8M / 03-03
195.6M / 03-03
165.4M / 03-03
45.6M / 09-08
665.2M / 07-06
2.84G / 07-06
93M / 07-06
338.3M / 07-06
1.38G / 07-26
488.3M / 07-16
109.8M / 06-03
142M / 01-08
1.2M / 11-23
548.8M / 04-13
1.6M / 04-13
1.48G / 03-18
646.6M / 03-03
133.7M / 03-03
325.8M / 06-07
60M / 04-29
254M / 04-25
659M / 04-23
1M / 12-26
253.4M / 12-08
253M / 12-08
1.19G / 11-16
110.5M / 04-23
26.7M / 03-16
488.3M / 07-16
248.9M / 12-08
248.9M / 12-08
201.2M / 04-13
100.6M / 03-06
148.9M / 03-06
1.12G / 07-06
1.25G / 07-06
9.48G / 07-06
50KB / 07-06
116.2M / 04-10
1.92G / 04-17
201.5M / 04-13
7.31G / 07-01
94.3M / 07-06
2.48G / 07-06
7.63G / 07-06
1M / 07-06
778.1M / 07-06
509.7M / 07-06
561.8M / 07-11
1.32G / 01-19
72M / 07-06
548.7M / 07-06
1.00G / 07-06
9.13G / 07-06
126.2M / 07-06
72M / 07-06
105.1M / 07-06
132M / 07-06