Dism++是由初雨團隊采用微軟內部API編寫的一款開源免費的實用工具,最開始的名字叫Windows更新清理工具,號稱全球第一款基於CBS 的 Dism GUI 實現!Dism++可以說是一個Dism的GUI版,但是並不依賴Dism,直接基於更底層的CBS(Component Based Servicing Reference)。Dism++作為第三版清理工具更加深入係統底層,功能和清理效果都非常不錯。它具有功能如:空間回收、更新清理、係統優化、CompactOS、Windows Update、完整ESD支持、ESD轉ISO、WIM/ESD互轉,Imagex、ISO生成器、引導修複、係統備份、係統還原、春哥附體、驅動管理等,兼容Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10平台。
2、新增過期驅動清理,讓你遠離日益增大的驅動存儲池(功能基於微軟的DriverPackageManagement API,如果真出現誤殺可以通過重新安裝驅動程序)。
3、支持esd編輯,WIMBOOT,快速掛載等特性(提示:不支持直接創建esd文件,如果需要創建esd請從wim文件選擇導出,並且選擇極限壓縮。詳情請參考微軟Dism esd支持)。
4、新增熱備份係統 ,另外熱還原正在路上,Dism++作為第三版清理工具更加深入係統底層,帶給你更多想不到的功能和清理效果。
1: fix BUGS, update Dism++stack, to solve Cbs Interface a second time using a random crash problem.
2: to solve the BUG, some time restart Explorer can’t start Explorer problem thank happy ring?
3: fix the BUG that the Windows 7 a patch scan is not out of the question.
4: fix the BUG of 218, the novice mode may be initiated will not automatically sense issues thank nnail?
5: fix BUG 213 is not allowed in the Start menu displays the proposed rules to engage in anti-a thank lmwuxia ?
6: new FEA, add 360 and QQ browser compatibility testing as well as the open answer compatibility pop-UPS change
7: new FEA, ISO Builder to add multi-instance support as well as 32-byte input limit.
8: new FEA, add esd Update Support, can be UUP esd file as update, similar to cab, msu added to the system. ?Thank the fragrant uncle advice
70KB / 03-27
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1M / 12-26
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132M / 07-06