1. 使用 baksmali.jar 將 odex 文件分解為 smali 文件
$ java –jar baksmali-1.2.5.jar –x app.odex
如果成功的話,會在 $AndroidDecompile下生成一個 out目錄,裏麵是一些以“.smali”為後綴名的文件,在此不深究這些文件的作用。
2. 使用 smali.jar將 out/目錄下的smali文件轉換為 classes.dex
$ java -Xmx512M –jar smali-1.2.5.jar out –o classes.dex
classes.dex便是Dalvik VM所使用的編譯後的類文件格式,在正常的apk文件裏都會有。
3. 使用 dex2jar將classes.dex反編譯為jar文件
$dex2jar.sh classes.dex
dex2jar file1.dexORapk file2.dexORapk ...
4. 使用JD-GUI查看反編譯後的jar文件
5. 將從odex反編譯後的classes.dex與其他資源文件重新打包成一個完整的apk
$ java -jar signapk.jar testkey.x509.pem testkey.pk8 app.apk app_signed.apk
6. apktool的使用
apktool d app.apk and 反編譯 app.apk到文件夾and
apktool b app 從文件夾app重建APK,輸出到ABC\dist\out.apk
7. 我的 $AndroidDecompile目錄下的文件的截圖
1. baksmali 的幫助信息
usage: java -jar baksmali.jar [options]
disassembles and/or dumps a dex file
-?,--help Prints the help message then exits.
-b,--no-debug-info Specify twice for debug options
don't write out debug info (.local,
.param, .line, etc.)
analysis. Defaults to
id.policy.jar:services.jar. If the
value begins with a :, it will be
appended to the default
bootclasspath instead of replacing it
bootclasspath files in. Defaults to
the current directory
-f,--code-offsets Add comments to the disassembly
containing the code offset for each address
-l,--use-locals Output the .locals directive with
the number of non-parameter
registers, rather than the .register
the directory where the disassembled
files will be placed. The default is out
-p,--no-parameter-registers Use the v
method parameters
register information for each
instruction. "ARGS,DEST" is the
default if no types are specified.
Valid values are:
ALL: all pre- and post-instruction registers.
ALLPRE: all pre-instruction registers
ALLPOST: all post-instruction registers
ARGS: any pre-instruction registers
used as arguments to the instruction
DEST: the post-instruction
destination register, if any
MERGE: Any pre-instruction register
has been merged from more than 1
different post-instruction register
from its predecessors
FULLMERGE: For each register that
would be printed by MERGE, also show
the incoming register types that
were merged
-s,--sequential-labels Create label names using a
sequential numbering scheme per
label type, rather than using the
bytecode address
-v,--version Prints the version then exits
-x,--deodex Deodex the given odex file. This
option is ignored if the input file
is not an odex file
2. smali 的幫助信息
usage: java -jar smali.jar [options] [--] [
assembles a set of smali files into a dex file
-?,--help prints the help message then exits. Specify twice for
debug options
is out.dex
-v,--version prints the version then exits
3. auto-sign 的幫助信息
SignApk.jar is a tool included with the Android platform source bundle.
testkey.pk8 is the private key that is compatible with the recovery image included in this zip file
testkey.x509.pem is the corresponding certificate/public key
java -jar signapk.jar testkey.x509.pem testkey.pk8 update.zip update_signed.zip
4. apktool 的幫助信息
Apktool v1.3.2 - a tool for reengineering Android apk files
Copyright 2010 Ryszard Wi?niewski
Apache License 2.0 (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
Usage: apktool [-v|--verbose] COMMAND [...]
d[ecode] [OPTS]
-s, --no-src
Do not decode sources.
-r, --no-res
Do not decode resources.
-d, --debug
Decode in debug mode. Check project page for more info.
-f, --force
Force delete destination directory.
Try to use framework files tagged by
Use if there was an error and some resources were dropped, e.g.:
"Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources", but you
want to decode them anyway, even with errors. You will have to
fix them manually before building.
b[uild] [OPTS] [
Build an apk from already decoded application located in
It will automatically detect, whether files was changed and perform
needed steps only.
If you omit
If you omit
will be used.
-f, --force-all
Skip changes detection and build all files.
-d, --debug
Build in debug mode. Check project page for more info.
Install framework file to your system.
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