DarkDe4是反編譯必備工具DarkDe4-DEDE 3.50.4的修改版(目前網上最好用的版本),目前可以使用,隻是出來的都是彙編,反正有就不錯了,反編譯真的要有點工夫,反正我是沒搞明白,有需要的朋友可以下載試試。
01 修改了Title和ClassName "DeDe"->"DarK",絕大部分的Anti檢測都沒有用了
"When this is checked DeDe will try to load the target and will read some valueable
information from the new process memory that will be used later on.
I do recommend this option to be ALWAYS checked! If it is not,DeDe will work little faster,
but you will not have global var references, no unit inforamati on, DOI engine will work no
more than 40% of its potential and many more *bad* things."
Caption = 'Dump extra data and search for obj/prop references'
04.增加對特殊處理過的PACKAGEINFO的Uint List的顯示,設定GetSectionIndexByRVA默認返回值是-1or2
Not Special Program And PACKAGEINFO,No Warn Saving
原有的"Do not allow report to be saved in existing folder"功能,繼續保留,借雞生蛋而已:)
選項將顯示"Do not allow report to be saved in existing folder",請自行修改
05.修改原有的"Open With DEDE"的注冊鍵錯誤&BUG,可以使用右鍵運行DEDE反彙編Delphi/BCB
07.修複原有Dump Active Process的BUG
使用Shift+Alt+Ctrl+D Dump Process ->Dump.dmp文件
使用Shift+Alt+Ctrl+I Dump Info ->procinf_dmp.txt
08.Enable Dump按鈕(畫蛇添足:P)
11.Enable Procedures下右鍵的Analize Class功能
12.修複Forms下DFM的"Open With NotePad"功能
140.5M / 09-05
76.4M / 03-25
55M / 06-05
237.9M / 04-13
900.9M / 03-02
96.2M / 07-06
311.2M / 07-06
335M / 07-06
200M / 07-06
413.8M / 07-06
484.7M / 09-27
165.4M / 09-05
353.9M / 06-05
131.8M / 04-13
195.6M / 03-03
45.6M / 09-08
665.2M / 07-06
2.84G / 07-06
93M / 07-06
338.3M / 07-06
1.38G / 07-26
488.3M / 07-16
109.8M / 06-03
142M / 01-08
1.2M / 11-23
548.8M / 04-13
1.6M / 04-13
1.48G / 03-18
646.6M / 03-03
133.7M / 03-03
110.5M / 09-05
33.4M / 09-05
325.8M / 08-12
60M / 04-29
254M / 04-25
659M / 04-23
1M / 12-26
253.4M / 12-08
253M / 12-08
1.19G / 11-16
369M / 09-22
181.5M / 09-22
201.2M / 09-05
488.3M / 07-16
248.9M / 12-08
248.9M / 12-08
100.6M / 03-06
148.9M / 03-06
1.12G / 07-06
1.25G / 07-06
1.76G / 09-22
1.92G / 04-17
116.2M / 04-10
201.5M / 04-13
7.31G / 07-01
94.3M / 07-06
2.48G / 07-06
7.63G / 07-06
1M / 07-06
778.1M / 07-06
561.8M / 07-11
72M / 07-06
548.7M / 07-06
1.00G / 07-06
9.13G / 07-06
126.2M / 07-06
72M / 07-06
105.1M / 07-06
132M / 07-06
132M / 07-06