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php代碼生成器(PHPMaker)v11.06 注冊版

  • php代碼生成器(PHPMaker)截圖0
< >
好玩 好玩 0
坑爹 坑爹 0
  • 應用語言:英文
  • 應用大小:31.7M
  • 更新時間:2015-05-07 16:5
  • 發行時間:
  • 應用類型:普通
  • 應用標簽:php
PHPMaker 是由 e.World Technology 開發的 PHP 代碼自動生成工具。它是一款在 Windows 平台上運行的基於 MYSQLnbsp;數據庫自動生成 PHP 腳本的軟件。使用生成的 PHP 代碼,你可以通過 WEB 網頁對數據庫的記錄進行瀏覽、修改、查詢、添加和刪除。利用它你隻需幾步就 [更多]

PHPMaker 是由 e.World Technology 開發的 PHP 代碼自動生成工具。它是一款在 Windows 平台上運行的基於 MYSQL 數據庫自動生成 PHP 腳本的軟件。使用生成的 PHP 代碼,你可以通過 WEB 網頁對數據庫的記錄進行瀏覽、修改、查詢、添加和刪除。利用它你隻需幾步就可以得到完整的 PHP 代碼。


Grid_Inserting – For use with Grid-Add for a table and Master/Detail-Add for a detail table, fired before inserting records.
Grid_Inserted – For use with Grid-Add for a table and Master/Detail-Add for a detail table, fired after inserting all records.
Grid_Updating – For use with Grid-Edit for a table and Master/Detail-Edit for a detail table, fired before updating records.
Grid_Updated – For use with Grid-Edit for a table and Master/Detail-Edit for a detail table, fired after updating all records.
Page_Exporting – Fired before the page is exported.
Row_Export – Fired when a row is exported for exporting the row in custom code.
Page_Exported – Fired after the page is exported.

More Advanced Settings
Generate database helper – Generate a database helper for including in current or other project for simple access to the database and retrieving data
Use handlebars.js – For Custom Templates of typeahead.js
Export detail records in Master/Detail-View
Export detail records for CSV in Master/Detail-View
Oracle charset – For setting Oracle’s NLS_COMP parameter
Oracle sort – For setting Oracle’s NLS_SORT parameter
Auto-fill original value – For Auto-Fill by original (database) value instead of looked up value
Multiple file upload separator – Specify the file upload separator used to separate the file names
Use Colorbox for images
Use responsive layout
Use dropdown for button group in mobile – Use button dropdown instead of button group to save more spaces for data in mobile mode

jQuery updated (jQuery Mobile removed)
jQuery File Upload updated
JsRender updated
tinyMCE and CKEditor extensions (for registered users only) updated with latest versions (FCKEditor extension not provided any more)
DOMPDF extension updated
mobile_detect.php updated
PHPExcel extension (for registered users only) updated
Scrollable Table (for registered users only) uses 100% width in mobile mode
Add Option form and Email form as Modal dialog
Multi-Column page by grid system
Allows more than one sessions for Disallow Concurrent Login
Supports using $Security->CanXXX() for projects without User Level Security enabled
Supports global and field specific client/server side validation of file extension, file size, and max. number of files (if multiple upload)
Synchronizer token for forms with method=”post”
Support user password in phpass format (encrypted by third-party systems)
Improved code editor
UI supports >100% Windows system text size
Many other minor improvements


    php代碼生成器(PHPMaker) v11.06 注冊版




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