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虛擬聲音環境設計套件(VRSonic VibeStudio Designer) v2.9.0 官方特別版

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虛擬聲音環境設計套件(VRSonic VibeStudio Designer)下載
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  • 應用語言:英文
  • 應用大小:441M
  • 更新時間:2015-07-14 11:23
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  • 應用類型:普通
  • 應用標簽: 聲音
VRSonic VibeStudio Designer虛擬聲音環境設計套件,包括兩個應用程序: VibeStation和Profiler 。基於SoundScape3D技術的音頻建模和渲染引擎應用程序,提供創建一種空間音頻包,創建動態音頻內容和創作空間的音頻場景。VibeStation是一種虛擬的聲音環境設計和運行的[更多]

VRSonic VibeStudio Designer虛擬聲音環境設計套件,包括兩個應用程序: VibeStation和Profiler 。基於SoundScape3D技術的音頻建模和渲染引擎應用程序,提供創建一種空間音頻包,創建動態音頻內容和創作空間的音頻場景。VibeStation是一種虛擬的聲音環境設計和運行的應用程序。它提供了一個




Full sound propagation model - VibeStation renders audio using a full sound propagation model that simulates everything that happens to a sound as it travels form its source to your ears. This includes distance attenuation, air absorption, material absorption, propagation delay, reverberation, and occlusion effects. All this is done in real-time and in an interactive system.


Configurable rendering pipeline – VibeStation uses a configurable audio pipeline architecture to simulate how sound propagates through an environment. This architecture gives you complete control over how the rendering pipeline processes sound. You can use VibeStation’s pipeline editor to turn any of the pipeline stages on or off.


XML audio scene specification – VibeStation scenes are stored as eXtended Markup Language documents. Using an open standard gives you complete access to the stored scene.


Wave Point Sampling (WPS) – WPS is an advanced technology developed by VRSonic for rendering 3D audio on loudspeakers. Unlike panning techniques, WPS uses loudspeakers to create a virtual sound field around the listener. This results in more accurate source positioning, smoother source trajectories, and an amazingly natural sound.


Open Sound Control (OSC) - VibeStation’s OSC implementation gives you total control over the audio scene for live applications. You can create scene elements on the fly as well as control their behavior interactively. Connect an OSC compliant control surface to your setup and VibeStation becomes a live instrument for DJ or live music performances.

打開聲音控製(OSC)- vibestation的OSC實現給你的音頻場景總控製的現場應用。你可以在飛行中創建場景元素,同時也可以交互地控製它們的行為。連接OSC柔順控製表麵安裝和vibestation成為DJ現場儀表、現場音樂表演。

ReWire integration – VibeStation can operate either as a ReWire device or a ReWire mixer. This lets you use your favorite audio synths as scene elements in VibeStation. It also means that you can send VibeStation’s rendered audio output to your DAW for further processing.


Audition and render scenes to binaural stereo, 2.1, 4.1, 5.1, 7.1, 8.1 or 10.2 – Audio scenes authored with VibeStation are totally independent of how you render them. Once you’ve authored a scene, you can then audition and render it for practically any 3D audio or surround format.



虛擬聲音環境設計套件(VRSonic VibeStudio Designer) v2.9.0 官方特別版



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